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Advantages of an HTML Sitemap for SEO and Users

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Advantages of an HTML Sitemap for SEO and Users

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Advantages of an HTML Sitemap for SEO and Users

An HTML Sitemap plays a vital role in enhancing user experience and search engine optimisation (SEO) by facilitating the exploration of your website’s pages. While an XML sitemap is essential for search engines, an HTML sitemap ensures user-friendly organisation and accessibility.

What is Sitemap and Why is it Important?

An HTML sitemap is a specific webpage found on a website, and its purpose is to present a comprehensive list of all the pages within that website, along with relevant links. Its primary function is to aid users in navigating the website by providing them with an organised overview of its structure and content.

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Unlike XML sitemaps, which are primarily aimed at search engines, HTML sitemaps are designed to assist users in effortlessly locating the desired information they are seeking. By presenting a hierarchical arrangement of the website’s pages, an HTML sitemap enhances the user experience and enables visitors to navigate the site more efficiently.

How To Find HTML Sitemap?

  • To locate the HTML sitemap of a website, you can follow these steps:
  • Check the website footer: Many websites place links to important pages, including the HTML sitemap, in the footer section. Look for labels such as “Sitemap,” “Site Map,” or “All Pages” at the bottom of the website’s pages.
  • Explore the main navigation menu: Some websites have a dedicated link to the HTML sitemap in their main navigation menu. Look for menu items like “Sitemap,” “About,” or “Site Structure” that might lead to the HTML sitemap page.
    • If the HTML sitemap is not found in the navigation menus or footer, try using the search function provided by the website. Enter relevant keywords such as “HTML sitemap” or “sitemap” in the search bar to see if any relevant results are returned.
    • Inspect the robots.txt file: Access the robots.txt file of the website by adding “/robots.txt” to the end of the website’s URL (e.g., Look for any mentions of the HTML sitemap within the file. It may be referenced using the “Sitemap” directive.
    • If all other methods fail, you can use search engines to search for the website’s HTML sitemap. Enter the website’s domain name followed by terms like “HTML sitemap” or “site map” in the search query. This may lead you to publicly available HTML sitemap pages or references to the sitemap.

Keep in mind that not all websites may have an HTML sitemap, particularly if they are smaller or less complex. If you are unable to locate an HTML sitemap, you can reach out to the website owner or administrator for further assistance.

HTML Sitemap vs. XML Sitemap: What Sets Them Apart?

There are two primary types of sitemaps used for websites:

HTML sitemap: This type of sitemap is designed to enhance user experience by presenting a clickable and easily navigable format. It allows visitors to explore and navigate the website’s pages more efficiently.

XML sitemap: In contrast, an XML sitemap is specifically created to cater to search engines such as Google. It is written in a format that search engine spiders, crawlers, and bots can easily understand. The main purpose of an XML sitemap is to assist search engines in crawling and indexing your website effectively. This is crucial for improving search engine rankings and driving more organic traffic to your site.

Advantages of an HTML Sitemap

While XML sitemaps are primarily used by search engines for crawling, you might question the importance of an HTML sitemap. Isn’t search engine optimisation solely focused on catering to crawlers? Not quite. It’s crucial to consider user experience, as search engines take it into account when determining rankings.

By incorporating an HTML sitemap on your website, you enhance user-friendliness and create a positive browsing experience, thereby increasing your chances of ranking higher. Additionally, an HTML sitemap offers the following benefits:

  • Organises large websites: An HTML sitemap acts as a directory, aiding website owners in effectively organising vast and intricate websites.
  • Facilitates search engine discovery: A well-structured HTML sitemap enables search engines to locate your content swiftly and effortlessly, facilitating efficient crawling.
  • Establishes internal linking: Your HTML sitemap allows you to incorporate internal links, which play a critical role in SEO strategies.
  • Enhances site navigation: By providing a comprehensive list of all pages on a single page, an HTML sitemap improves overall website navigation, enabling users to easily find the desired information.

Tip: You can try online tools for free to boost your Google ranking.

Know about the HTML Sitemap Template:

<title>Website HTML Sitemap</title>
<h1>Website HTML Sitemap</h1>
<li><a href=”homepage.html”>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=”about.html”>About</a></li>
<li><a href=”services.html”>Services</a></li>
<li><a href=”products.html”>Products</a></li>
<li><a href=”contact.html”>Contact</a></li>
<!– Add more pages here –>

In this HTML sitemap template, you can customise the <title> tag to reflect the title of your HTML sitemap page. Replace the example page URLs (homepage.html, about.html, etc.) with the actual URLs of your website’s pages.

You can add more <li> <href=”page-url.html”>Page Name </a></li> elements as needed, ensuring each page is listed with its corresponding URL and anchor text.

What To Do?

  • Remember to structure the sitemap in a logical hierarchy that represents your website’s navigation. You can use headings, subheadings and additional HTML elements to further organise and enhance the sitemap’s readability.
  • Feel free to modify this template based on your specific website structure and design preferences.

How to Create an HTML Sitemap?

There are two methods for creating an HTML sitemap:

  • Using Plugins with Your CMS: If your website is built on a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, you can make use of plugins that automatically generate an HTML sitemap for you.

    What To Do?

    • Install a plugin such as Simple Sitemap, specifically designed for your CMS.
    • Create a new page in your CMS and title it “Sitemap.”
    • Insert a new block into the page by clicking the plus icon.
    • In the block options, select “Browse all” and locate the Simple Sitemap section.
    • Choose the “Simple Sitemap Group” option, which triggers the plugin to generate the sitemap.
    • Save the page and publish it.
    • Link the sitemap page from the footer section of your homepage.

    If you’re using a CMS other than HTML sitemap in WordPress, there are plugins available for Joomla (e.g., JSitemap) and Drupal (e.g., Sitemap module) as well.

  • Manual Sitemap Creation: For smaller websites with fewer than 100 pages, you can opt to create the HTML sitemap manually.

    What To Do?

    • Compile a list of all the pages on your website.
    • Provide this list to your developer, who will create a standard HTML page containing the page listings with corresponding links.
    • Manual sitemap creation offers full control over the structure and design of the sitemap.
    • Keep in mind that manual updates will be necessary whenever changes are made to your website’s pages.

Choose the method that suits your website’s size and requirements to generate an effective HTML sitemap.

HTML Sitemap Examples

If you’re seeking inspiration for designing your HTML sitemap, look at how well-known brands have structured theirs. Here are a few HTML sitemap examples to look at:

  • H&M Group: H&M Group’s HTML sitemap is a standard HTML page that lists all the pages within their website, organised hierarchically based on their position in the site’s structure.
  • Target: Target has designed a straightforward HTML sitemap for their job portal. It consists of three sections, neatly presenting the relevant pages.
  • Standard Chartered: Standard Chartered’s HTML sitemap comprises multiple sections, each containing subsections that list the various products and services offered by the bank. Additionally, this sitemap includes important links to pages such as “Global career opportunities,” “About Standard Chartered,” and “Media contacts.”

By examining these HTML sitemap examples, you can gain insights into different approaches to organising and presenting an HTML sitemap. Remember to tailor your sitemap to your website’s specific structure and content.

Gain Valuable Insights for Your Website’s SEO with Our HTML Sitemap Guide

Developing an HTML sitemap is just one aspect of optimising your website for both search engines and users. To further enhance your website’s optimisation, consider implementing the following measures:

  • Enhance site speed: Improve the loading speed of your website to provide a better user experience and positively impact search engine rankings.
  • Establish a robust site architecture: Create a well-structured website architecture that facilitates easy navigation for users and search engines, ensuring that content is logically organised.
  • Implement on-page SEO techniques: Optimise individual web pages with on-page SEO elements such as meta tags, headings, keyword usage and quality content to improve visibility in search engine results.
  • Address technical issues: Regularly check for and resolve any technical issues on your website that might impact its performance, such as broken links, crawl errors or duplicate content.

HTML Sitemap Best Practices

To ensure an effective HTML sitemap for your website, consider the following best practices:

  • Structure and Organisation: Arrange your sitemap in a hierarchical structure that aligns with your website’s navigation. Group related pages together and create a logical flow from broader categories to more specific pages.
  • User-Friendly Design: Design your HTML sitemap with a user-friendly format that is easy to navigate. Use clear headings and subheadings to distinguish different sections and make them visually appealing.
  • Inclusion of Links: Include clickable links to all important pages on your website within the HTML sitemap. Ensure that each link accurately represents the respective page and leads users to the intended destination.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your HTML sitemap up to date by adding new pages and removing outdated or irrelevant ones. Regularly review and update the sitemap to reflect changes in your website’s content and structure.
  • Accessibility: Make your HTML sitemap easily accessible to users by prominently linking it on your website, such as in the footer or main navigation menu. Consider incorporating a search box within the sitemap to further enhance user navigation.
  • Integration with XML Sitemap: While HTML sitemaps primarily serve users, it’s important to also have an XML sitemap for search engines. Ensure both sitemaps are correctly implemented and serve their respective purposes.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Optimise your HTML sitemap for mobile devices to provide a seamless experience for users accessing your site through smartphones or tablets. Ensure that the sitemap remains fully functional and responsive on smaller screens.
  • Testing and Validation: Test your HTML sitemap across various web browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and proper functionality. Validate the HTML code to identify and rectify any errors or issues.

By adhering to these best practices, you can create an effective HTML sitemap that enhances user experience, improves website navigation, and contributes to better search engine optimisation.


To summarise the best practices for HTML sitemaps:

Structure and organisation: Arrange your HTML sitemap in a hierarchical structure that mirrors your website’s navigation, grouping related pages. Use a free HTML sitemap generator for user-friendly website navigation and search engine optimisation.

Important Points To Note:

  • Create an HTML sitemap with clear headings, subheadings and a visually appealing format that facilitates easy navigation for users.
  • Ensure that your HTML sitemap includes clickable links to all important pages on your website, accurately representing each page and its content.
  • Keep your HTML sitemap up to date by regularly reviewing and updating it as your website’s content and structure evolve.
  • Add new pages and remove outdated or irrelevant ones.

Accessibility: Prominently display links to your HTML sitemap on your website, making it easily accessible to users. Consider placing the link in the footer or main navigation menu for maximum visibility.

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