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Top 20 Lead Generation Ideas for your Online Success

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Top 20 Lead Generation Ideas for your Online Success

Blog / Top 20 Lead Generation Ideas for your Online Success
20 lead generation tips

Top 20 Lead Generation Ideas for your Online Success

Every “Lead Generation” is equal to a drop of water in an Ocean.

From times unknown, we are aware how our market leads directly impact the sustainability of our Business.

“Lead Generation” are nothing but the prospective clients that we earn through Marketing.

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We, also being a part of the “Business Society” understand your every hitch faced during generation of  leads through several Marketing Campaigns.

It took us a while in designing this checklist for establishing our very own marketing campaign.

Once we created our Top 10 checklist, we discovered that this number kept recurring with time and we were continuously challenged to update it with the pacing time.

We recommend our Top20 Checklist, which we recommend you shouldn’t miss for a successful generation of leads.

Ensure you don’t skip even a single point. You never know your next “Prospective Lead” could be hidden in any (one or more) of the following recommendations.

You can customize the checklist, suitable to your product/service. Why not try some mix and match?

We yearn that  you will gain fruitful generation of leads from each of our recommendation.

1. Talk about your Product: Video Content

A product video works exceptionally well for that set of people who are not keen on reading.

You could have published excellent content but for “some” Users this might not be appealing.

  • Rather, posting a video could just make the job easy for them and also for you.
  • This can also cater to the needs of a reader for better understanding.
  • The contents of the video could be anything relative to your brand or product.
  • Try to provide your Users in-depth information about your product/service. Ensure that the video is very simple, easily captured and “utilized” at any stage.
  • Try to address concerns of your users through the video. All it takes is a “Smart Phone” and “YouTube” to produce the Video Content.

2. Call to Action – Give your Users a chance to discover.

At some point you need to convey to your Users about the details on Registration, Subscription, Pricing etc.

  • This can be done on any pages of your Web. But trying this on the Homepage looks more attractive.
  • Instead of directly providing them with the above details, you could add some fun elements.
  • For example, simple visionary illusions, puzzles, games to ultimately land on the subscription forms or pricing buttons can work wonders in generating leads.
  • In technical terms this is called as “Call to Action” or CTA
  • Identify the first thing that “stands out” on the Homepage of your website. Utilize this space for CTA.

3. Earn your User’s Trust – Give them your Assurance.

Okay! You are successful in guiding your users to the Registration/Subscription pages.

  • How do you ensure that they act on it? Assure them your trust I.e. value for their time and money in simple tag lines.
  • Give them assurance on their Privacy that you wouldn’t spam their inbox or phone.
  • You could do this in a more appealing way.
  • Convey to your Users, the assurance on their security through numbers and ratios.

For Eg: 1) Your data is 100% safe with us.

            2) We are the No. 1 Rankers in “Non-Spaming”                    

4. Simplify your Sign Up pages – Focus on leaving your Users with Less options.


People tend to get put off at the sight of  complicated and lengthy forms.

Simplify their job:

  • Make your forms user friendly.  
  • Cut off on unnecessary information.
  • Collect only the mandatory details and restrict it to less than 5.
  • Avoid pushing your Users to purchase or subscribe to anything.
  • Rather offer them a content/requirement on the these pages page with which they cannot resist but to accept your offer.
  • It could be “Free Trials”, “Complimentary Offers”, Vouchers/Coupons/Claims etc.

5. Provide your Users with some Awesome Informative Videos.

If you are already providing your users a product video, you will understand that a Gated video is something different to it.

In the product video, you give them information on your product and it is easily accessible to everyone which is ultimately your target.

You obviously cannot attach this with a cost because that would reduce the traffic pouring on your website.

  • However in a gated video, you could provide your Users with some extra knowledge relative to your product or something more relevant through a video.
  • You could either link your sign up page for this or utilize it for collecting all the required data  for generation of your leads.
  • Your Users wouldn’t want to provide their data unless you introduce something more to it like Ads, Social media sharing, etc. through the video.
  • But this definitely comes with a cost. You would be paying for your Ads and claiming your leads through the number of clicks on the video.
  • Generation of anything above 10% of Potential leads through this page is a great number, unless you convert them to your customers.
  • If you are counting on maximum returns through this page, you could try various permutations and combinations of series of videos with several choice of Ads.
  • We suggest you strictly not to integrate this page with SEO builder, this could affect your Google ranking and also leave you with a penalty.

6. Present Downloadable Additional(Secondary) Posts with a swap of an email.

In continuation with the contents that you provide to your Users, also include more contents  to be available in a different format.

  • These extra contents should not be readily available to your Users but only as an additional downloadable contents.
  • In order to access these downloadable contents, the users will have to provide their email ID’s.
  • Concentrate on the issues your Users are facing with respect to a particular content.
  • Spend some time on research and collect a bunch of links (Solution) or points(tips) required to address that particular issue in the form of downloadable content.
  • Also introduce Auto-responders with which your Users are alerted and would receive frequent posts, contents, and tips for upgrading their contents/website.
  • You can also provide comparison of quotes, for products/service with your competitors or a relevant comparison of your choice.
  • Remember all this happens only if your User is ready to avail these contents with a swap of their e-mail.

7. Win your Leads through your Website – This begins with Optimizing your “About page”.

Your “About page” is the heart of your website.

This is the first noticed page. Remember you create a first impression of your product/service here.

Ensure you utilize this page to the fullest.

Register in the minds of your User, everything you want to convey about your Website/Product/Service through your About page.

Although you build awareness about you and your product for your users, this page can do much more than you assume and provide more information.

Lets help you with some simple “Revamping steps” for your About Us Page Optimization.

  • Introduce your people. Share the picture of your unit. This will instantly impact your Audience, on your Brand’s transparency.
  • Do not choke your User’s brain with contents.
  • Split the contents into very simple and short fragments.
  • Stick to the flow of the contents and direct your User’s to the desired landing pages in a stepwise format.
  • Introduce as many visionary contents as possible. Highlights, flashes, images etc.
  • Emotional marketing works wonders. Deliver a reference content link to crowd raisers, fund raisers, NGO’s etc.

8. Maintain consistency in publishing your blogs.

People read blogs because it brings them in touch with reality.

Unlike the regular Contents and Articles, Blogs present information in a simpler and lighter way

  • Identify dedicated set of “Blog Readers” on your Website.
  • If you are already writing blogs on your website, increase the frequency. If not, start it right away.
  • Test its popularity for a certain number of weeks/months by posting on a daily basis.
  • Maintain your own Blog Calender and follow it strictly.
  • Get your readers hooked to your blogs and give them more than what they are expecting from your website.
  • Link the blog pages to further purchase of articles, books and other contents related to the subject of a particular blog. 
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9. Evergreen Contents are here to stay – Build and optimize them.

evergreen content
  • Invest on classic contents, typical for your website.
  • Write detailed in-depth and strong posts relevant to this.
  • Although you might not be loaded with instant traffic, slow, but increasing traffic will be generated with time.
  • All it takes is your patience and identification of the right topic that captures the market’s attention irrespective of the time it is published.
  • Once you harvest sufficient traffic, your chance to generate leads also increases.
  • The above example illustrates an audit performed in identification and optimization of Evergreen contents for a particular interact blog.
  • The process determines the posts that generates traffic.
  • It further suggests to integrate popular contents with CTA options in order to  target on a particular set of Leads based on the relevancy.
  • For more information on analysis of this Traffic refer to the below link

How to Make a BuzzFeed Style Quiz.”

10. Identify leads on Twitter with Followerwonk.

  • Twitter is a great platform to identify your leads.
  • There are thousands and millions of tweets per day on various accounts.
  • However every single tweet will not help you.
  • It is equally important to segregate the tweets based on your relevancy.
  • This is next to impossible to perform manually.
  • A certain Analytics by Twitter called “Followerwonk” helps in dividing the tweets further based on various factors. They are:
  • The set of Audience who follow you.
  • Physical location of the followers.
  • Time frame of their tweets.
  • This aggregation helps in in-depth analysis and further steps to be taken in optimizing your social growth.

It helps you discover and connect with the latest Influencers within your Market, creates Visual comparisons and also sharing reports online.

Make the maximum with the Followerwonk Analytics.

11.Google+ – Right market for finding your target Community.

  • We are all aware of Google+. But not many are still accustomed to using it.
  • Launched in 2011 Google+ gained popularity within weeks of its inception.
  • Although this is a less used social media platform, as compared to its counterparts, there are still tremendous opportunities for generation of leads.
  • It owns readily available target communities, to bring in like-minded Users on board.
  • You simply need to identify one or more communities suitable for your Product/Service.

Discover the 6 simple ideas you can grab from Google+ for generation of your leads: Here.

12. Cold Calling is almost dead – Practice Warm Calling.

  • We often receive various marketing calls in a day, most of which we would be uninterested in.
  • These are nothing but the “cold calls” that companies make to identify a lead.
  • Calls from an unknown contact tend to turn off the listener.
  • In most cases people avoid talking to a stranger.
  • What if you could place a call to the same person with a reference? – This call is termed as “Warm Calling”.
  • People would identify the reference or an Influencer and would therefore be interested in at least listening to you.
  • Hence your scope for aggregating more leads through “Warm Calling” is higher than the leads  you could generate through cold calling.
  • Keep in mind to give a strong introduction and ensure that the Influencer’s name is well heard.

Learn more.

13. Reach out to your Audience through an Event.

  • Speaking on line is easy but speaking offline is more effective.
  • Regular identification and participation in such events is very crucial if you want to interact with your users personally.
  • This will instantly provide the users, answers to their queries  and a clarification of doubts about what your Business offers.
  • Your online User still has an option to pause the Video you have published.
  • But participating as a Speaker at a physical event will not give them a choice to pause. They are bound to listen to you.
  • It marks an identity to you as a person and also associates you on a prominently with your Brand.
  • You could build on your connection of leads through the chain of events that you participate.

14. Strategic Business Partnerships.

  • Partnerships are a great building platform for any Business.
  • It provides opportunity with mutual exchange of leads, thoughts, strategies etc.
  • It doubles the rate of productivity with no stone left un-turned in all aspects of your service/brand
  • Business partnerships can be single or multiple partnerships.
  • However partnering with an already established company is itself a great strategy to  begin with since has a good backup of existing clients.
  • The key is to identify “that” established company which is looking for Service/Product similar to that you offer.
  • Building a successful and strong partnership cannot happen in a flash.
  • Once the connection becomes stable and secure, it creates an image in the market.
  • This partnership remains unshakable by all your close competitors.
  • Firstly, this partnership integrates your product with their API .
  • It promotes your product/brand name in their Campaigning.
  • Once you are recognized with this integration, your leads grow drastically  and provides you with a chance for conversion.

15. Partner  your email Campaigning with LaunchBit.

  • Sending out bulk emails can be a tedious job.
  • Although you are using a software, a lot of time is consumed in identifying, sorting and building a base of target leads to roll out the emails.
  • This is when LaunchBit comes to your rescue.
  • LaunchBit presents you a list Professional Audiences.
  • It offers a set  of Newsletters and Blog posts targeted to these audiences  through emails.
  • You can then choose your destined list of prospective leads.
  • Promote/Sponsor email Newsletter for only those destined targets.
  • They posses a choice of unique email formats.
  • It also gives you a real-time analysis of the campaign to help you further
  • Chalk down your potential clients and also knocks out  the irrelevant ones.
  • It provides statistics about every campaign and  identifies the area of optimization.

16. Create awareness about Your Website through AdRoll.

  • You have created the best-in-class Website and optimized every single content.
  • You have tried to reach every single person in the market with the help of social media and other means of communication.
  • Yet, your Website remains unnoticed. You obviously cannot blame the Audience because you haven’t created enough awareness about your brand.
  • AdRoll is one such platform which is built on 35000 Advertisers and spread over 150 countries.
  • It literally tracks your every single lead of choice through Web.
  • It works with exchange of Ads across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites.
  • It also creates customized Ads to reach out to your leads through web and other smart devices.
  • It helps you tie up with the Top Apps for marketing.
  • You can monitor you growth, generation and conversion of your leads through the user friendly Platform.

Roll out your next Ad with Adroll.

17. Extent the Social lifespan of your posts with SocialHub.

  • Your posts on social media go viral. But it comes with a lifespan.
  • You cannot control its popularity beyond a certain period of time.
  • What if we said you could still control it?
  • This is the exact reason why you should use SocialHub.
  • All your Social posts are collated under one roof which creates a hub of sorts.
  • You need to integrate this software with your site.
  • From here, you can engage your leads faster, and efficiently work on generating and converting them into business.
  • They have some excellent features like, Smart inbox, Regular monitoring, publishing, analysis, collaboration and security for your posts.
  • With SocialHub your visibility and impact on Social media increases by  many folds.

Integrate your Website with SocialHub today.

18. It really works with Google AdWords.

  • Appear in the eyes of your Prospective clients, even before they know you, with Google AdWords.
  • They help you sync in your Registration forms, Subscription forms, and other CTA pages within a “Google Search” in the form of an Ad.
  • Take your clients directly to the landing pages with the help of AdWords.
  • These Ads appear only when a person looks for similar brands/products to yours.
  • Unlike payment to other Ads, in Google Ads you pay to Google only when a prospect clicks on the Ad or contacts you, and not otherwise.
  • These Ads appear on local and global searches, allows you to get in touch with the right audiences at the right time which would in turn magnetize more leads.
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19. Convert an Audience to a Prospect using their data with “Drip”.

  • Typical emails  sometimes don’t generate enough traffic from prospect leads.
  • Through social media and other e-commerce sites, information is collected based on the activity of a prospect. This is nothing but the passive traffic.
  • Unlike a customized email, message to your prospects go in the form of pop-ups.
  • Drip is one such integration which monitors the activities of your target clients.
  • Some of the smart ways that Drip follow are:
  • Identifies first-time buyers and sends them targeted emails from the data available from their unused cart items.
  • Converts your boring/lengthy email contents into attractive designs and visionary images.
  • It takes your prospects requirement to a deeper level by regularly interaction and updating data they searched for or the ones abandoned.
  • It alters the social media Ads on a regular basis to suit your prospects needs.

Itegrate Drip with your on your Social media and eCommerce pages.

20. Try your luck with Quizzes.

We often find many Quizzes on social media today. Quizzes have gained much popularity over the years.

Quizzes pull a great number and variety of audiences based on the content of their interest.

They keep the platform interactive and entertaining which is directly proportional in establishing a successful market because are no limits when they go viral.

However while designing a Quiz, you need to ensure to:

  • Choose an apt title and flow of the quiz based on relevancy of your product/brand.
  • Keep the platform Engaged with entertaining Questions.
  • Identify a Lead platform who could propagate the quiz with an exchange of information from the users.
  • Integrate the Results of the Quiz with a Social media sharing, which prompts other leads to take up the quiz and together generate leads.
  • Create Results of the quiz that get shared on Social Media.
  • If possible try to offer incentives and award to the users to lift up their spirit.

We hope you have identified your ideal checklist.

Start filling your bag of  Leads. Your first step to conversion of a “Lead” to “Client” begins here.

Cater to the needs of your every single Client and ensure you continue to provide them the assured Quality of service.

All your hard work in “Generation of Leads” is paid off when you begin to accumulate your Revenue.

We are contentiously working on providing you with the Top50 Recommended Checklist for Successful Generation of Leads in Marketing Strategies.

Until next time, Like share, post this Blog across the Web.

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