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How to Decide On the Best Online Digital Marketing Services For Your Business

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How to Decide On the Best Online Digital Marketing Services For Your Business

Blog / How to Decide On the Best Online Digital Marketing Services For Your Business
Best Online Digital Marketing Services

How to Decide On the Best Online Digital Marketing Services For Your Business

While technology has gone a long way to improving the lives of people all over the globe, the part that it plays in marketing can often go over people’s heads, even the people who it directly influences the most.

There’s a lot to learn when it comes to digital marketing, therefore more companies and businesses choose to hire a marketing team or outsource to a digital marketing agency, but even this comes with its own challenges. Fortunately they’re the same challenges anyone else would face when making any decision on hiring someone, and it can be boiled down to two, basic, all-encompassing questions:

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-What services do I actually need?

-What is the best digital marketing agency for me/my business?

Picking the Best Digital Marketing Agency

There are 9,543 advertising agencies in Australia alone. Even if you were open to acquiring the services of another country’s advertising agency, it’s doubtful that it would be an effective partnership. But the point is, with this sheer number of agencies, how do you filter the good from the bad?

Point 1 – Understanding What You Need

It’s easy to say “I think digital marketing services will be a good idea for my business,” it’s much harder to come with a reason why you think that. After all, there are many different kinds of digital marketing, just as there are many different kinds of digital marketing agencies.

Some marketing agencies consist of a single freelancer, someone who is fresh out of uni realised they were kind of good at all the things and decided they could make a living running freelance marketing jobs for different clients. While these people are all well and good, you are subjecting your company to the life and priorities of a freelancer. Someone who is likely working and managing multiple jobs and clients themselves and may be more bogged down with all the jobs on their plate, slowing down your results and making you less of a priority to other, higher-paying clients of theirs.

Then there’s the marketing agencies that specialise in one discipline of marketing. Again these are fine, and they’re probably offering the best online digital marketing services of their kind, but they are purely specialists, and if you need more comprehensive services or multiple areas addressed, then this kind of an agency will fall short.

The final type of agency is one that offers multiple marketing services. These typically consist of small close-knit teams of creators, administrators, managers, and co-ordinators, all working together as a singular unit to deliver a fully comprehensive and all-encompassing tactic to your marketing.

Ultimately it comes down to how well you know your business it is that your business needs. Only then will you know what the best digital marketing agency is for you.

Point 2 – Research

This should stand to reason, but whenever you buy anything there’s obviously research that needs to go into that purchase. Especially when that purchase is big, and ESPECIALLY when that big purchase is an investment to grow your business.

The truth is that setting up a website is an incredibly easy thing to do. Anyone can design a site and put it online, and anyone can teach themselves how to use a Content Management System like Wix or WordPress where a website can just be thrown together and then put on the internet with the press of a single button. So if you find the website of a legitimate-looking website, remember that although it may look good and the content may be solid and all – it’s extremely easy for people to make websites that look good.

Make sure you research the company. Read reviews, how many do they have? Are they well worded or rife with grammatical errors? Are there a range of ratings or is every single rating 5 stars? Keep a look out for suspicious or repetitive reviews, this is a dead give-away that whoever runs the site has just paid some charlatan to make a bunch of false accounts and leave reviews in order to bolster the site.

Many people have suffered under these unscrupulous scammers. Make sure that you’re not one of them.

Point 3 – Be Ready for Ongoing Service

The nature of marketing means that you need to be prepared for a long-lasting relationship. The best digital marketing agency offers frequent updates, and constant communication. Marketing often takes time for results to become evident, and an initial decline in business isn’t unusual. After all, a new strategy means opening yourself up to new channels while ignoring the ones you previously used. That means that there may be a momentary dip in your business, but the agency hired will continue to plug your new campaign, and before long you should see some incredible results from their work.

Point 4 – Make Sure They Offer What You Need

If you’re not being discovered by clients, it’s likely there’s an issue with your SEO, which means that hiring a company that only deals in email marketing campaigns won’t be much, if any assistance to you.

Any agency that you enter into a new tenure with should give you a run-down of what they offer, and once they’ve gotten to know you and your business properly, they should be able to explain how their services will help you.

How to Find the Best Online Digital Marketing Services

The concept of finding the “best” online digital marketing services is slightly erroneous. There are a plethora of marketing techniques digitally and traditionally, and while some do produce more consistent results and have more longevity than others, digital marketing is usually more of a “tool for every job” type scenario.

Moreover, the quality of the service will depend on the quality of the agency or team you choose to hire. Every agency will be different in how it conducts itself, just like any other industry, this is why choosing the right one is so desperately important.

With that being said, there are a few basic things to look out for, although keep in mind this list doesn’t factor in freelancers or specialist agencies. If you’re going for a typical, multi-channel agency then they should offer these basic services at least:

SEO –Search Engine Optimisation

This is possibly one of the best online digital marketing strategies, with numerous examples of how the right form of marketing can transform a business. SEO understands that the beginning of nearly every interaction on the internet between a business and a client begins with a search engine. Google is the biggest and most popular search engine, boasting about 5 billion daily searches, and with an index of websites reaching around 50 billion. And yet most of these websites are doomed to go unclicked because they’re not on the first page of Google’s search results.

SEO actively works to change that. Search Engine Optimisation is the process of altering your website to make it look more attractive to search engines, and more relevant to your audience. Through this process you rank higher in the results making it more likely that you will get noticed or clicked on, thereby increasing your audience, conversion rate, and website traffic all at the same time.

Email Marketing

Tapping into an audience can be difficult, but email marketing does an amazing job at turning your clientele into a persistent asset. By getting customers to sign up to a mailing list, you get your clients permission to keep them updates and informed on your businesses’ development, as well as promotions and new products.

Not only this but when you have an email marketing campaign going, it means that when your email lands in the inbox of a consumer they are required to either read, delete, or archive it. Until they interact with it, the email is a persistent reminder of your business, products, and service.

PPC – Pay per Click

This sounds like a set up to a lot of people, but Pay Per Click advertising is, much like SEO, one of the best online digital marketing services available right now.

This method of marketing ensures that your ads or website will be placed in one of the top spots on the Search Engine Results Pages (or SERPs). In exchange you pay the search engine you’re marketing with a nominated amount of money for every click you get. Think of it as the online equivalent of a billboard. A billboard charges based on how much time the advertisement stays up. With digital PPC, you’re paying for the real-estate of the most-clicked positions on the internet.

Coupled with well-drafted copy and content, the profits gained from PPC can vastly outweigh the cost of using it.

These three services provide the best digital marketing strategy examples that most agencies should offer, particularly SEO. We at Traffic Radius offer all of these services and more! We are an Australian digital marketing agency offering a wide range of services. We are backed up by decades of experience, as well as hundreds of clients from around the world. Our team members are all highly trained and have a results-driven attitude to their work. To find out if we can help you, contact us here, or call us on 1300 870 901.

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