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Web Design and Development
importance of Website 7 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have One

7 Reasons Highlighting the Importance of a Website for Your Business

So you have a well established website with great word of mouth recommendations. You have a huge customer base that’s loyal and as a result you don’t have to worry about marketing. So what’s the importance of website ? Although you will find later in the article that marketing is

by tr_admin | 13 November 2019

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Web Design and Development
UI and UX The Designers Guide to the Technology Industry

UI and UX – The Designer’s Guide to the Technology Industry

What is UI and UX designing and who are UX/UI designers? Do you often get confused and wonder what people mean when they say that they are designers? Well, don’t worry you are not alone. Design is certainly a vague and broad term. When somebody says that they are a

by tr_admin | 13 November 2019

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Web Design and Development
How to Become a UI UX Designer

How to Become a UI UX Designer? – 7 Essential Steps From an Industry Insider

Some of the questions that I have come across from those who want to become a UI/ UX designer are: How can I better understand the role of a UI/ UX designer as I am a marketing manager/ programmer/ social media manager? I want to know more about design but

by tr_admin | 13 November 2019

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Web Design and Development
website checklist

Website Checklist – 55 Pre and Post Website Launch Elements

Wondering what could be an ideal way to launch your website successfully? Well, there are a number of points to look into. But website checklist can be the answer you are looking for. Looking into all these aspects and implementing them to achieve the best possible results can be strenuous.

by tr_admin | 13 November 2019

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Comprehensive Guide to Yoast SEO

Comprehensive Guide to Yoast SEO for WordPress – Setup and Implementation

One of the most valuable tools that individuals with a self-hosted WordPress site can leverage is the Yoast SEO plugin. This popular WordPress plugin has helped both SEO professionals and personal bloggers to make the site more search engine friendly. All the self-hosted WordPress sites can get the Yoast SEO

by tr_admin | 13 November 2019

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What Are Internal Links

What Are Internal Links and Why Are They Important?

Every website owner and marketer would certainly want their website to rank higher on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Isn’t it? Well, even before your content gets ranked on SERPs, it is essential for you to establish hierarchy on your website. This helps you to give more link value to

by tr_admin | 12 November 2019

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The Definitive Resource About Google Penguin

The Definitive Resource About Google Penguin for All Your SEO Needs

Working closely on the heels of Panda Update, Google rolled out the Google Penguin Update to target two other aspects of SEO that were being rampantly manipulated and misused. While the Panda Update aimed to tackle the ever increasing menace of low-quality content making it to the top of the

by tr_admin | 12 November 2019

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Google Panda Update

Everything You Need to Know About Google Panda Update

When Google first came with its search engine, it was rudimentary and therefore easy for the webmasters to trick the algorithm. With time, Google came to know of ways and means that site owners deploy and started to up their game accordingly. And that’s how Google Panda came to being.

by tr_admin | 12 November 2019

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Best Keyword Research Tools

27 Best Keyword Research Tools for Successful SEO Campaign

If you are an online marketer, you probably understand how important SEO is. The key to successful search engine optimization is undoubtedly long-tail keywords. Granted, there isn’t much traffic here. Long tail keywords are not going to open floodgates of online traffic to your site — however; these keywords are

by tr_admin | 12 November 2019

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SEO Essentials: SEO and Local Business Listing

If the customers do not know anything about you, then how would they come to you? Simple logic right? Yes, this is the case with your online business too. Local business listing enable you to market your offerings to a targeted demographic. A strong local search presence is extremely important

by tr_admin | 12 November 2019

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Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird – The Core of Modern Search Engine Algorithm

Unlike the previous Panda and Penguin updates which were initially released as add-ons to the existing algorithm, Google Hummingbird has been cited as a complete overhaul of the core algorithm. While it’s believed that many preexisting components of the core algorithm remained intact, Google Hummingbird signaled its commitment to an increasingly sophisticated understanding

by tr_admin | 12 November 2019

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