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The Dos and Don’ts of Google Helpful Content

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The Dos and Don’ts of Google Helpful Content

Blog / The Dos and Don’ts of Google Helpful Content

The Dos and Don’ts of Google Helpful Content

Boost your website content with our SEO agency in Melbourne! If you are struggling to drive adequate traffic to your website, then it’s time to consult Traffic Radius for our content marketing services. If you’re finding it difficult to optimize your content and lift your site’s ranking on Google search, then fear not, since our SEO company in Melbourne is here to help!
We’re going to discuss the top dos and don’ts while creating helpful Google search trends content for your website. To create amazing content that hooks in your audience, always remember the dos and don’ts so that you can curate your content in an optimized manner. Following these tips can then result in simple and consistent content for your site’s pages.

Do: Knowing your Audience is the First Crucial Step

Long before you get going with your content, try to understand who your target audience is. Know what their pain points are and gain an understanding of what they are trying to look for. Getting to know your audience can help you create proper content that echoes their needs and helps them obtain what they require. Remember: Readers determine the value of your content. Hence, you need to know your readers before you create your content.

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Do: Stress on User Intent

The dynamic nature of Google’s algorithm is of key importance as it curates the best results for users. To ensure that you are ranked well, you need to know the user intent. Make sure that your content addresses your users’ main queries and provides the most relevant information. By knowing what users want from your content, you can craft it in the most effective way.

Do: Conduct Keyword Research

For any SEO strategy, it is important to conduct proper keyword research and target keywords. You can start by using tools like Google search trends to identify the most popular search terms that are related to your business. Also, include the relevant keywords in your content to improve the overall search visibility of your website.

Do: Showcase Authority on Your Website

The most valued Google websites are the ones that convey expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. This is also known as E-A-T. You can highlight your expertise by providing your users with valuable information and high-quality content. Also, include the bios and testimonials of the author to ensure that you can build trust with your audience.

Do: Create High-Quality, Original Content

Never compromise on the quality of your content. The means ensuring that your content is original, which maintains the search ranking of your page. Aim for fresh, creative content that provides value to your audience. Avoid poor or duplicate content that offers nothing fresh or tangible to readers.

Do: Focus on Natural Language and Conversational Content

Google search trends have undergone a dynamic change. Now, the algorithm is more drawn to conversational content that mimics the way people talk. Hence, it is important to focus on creating natural content that is easy to understand and conversational in nature and tone.

Do: Optimize Your Content for Readability

To keep your audience engaged, always maintain a focus on the readability of your content. Don’t go for longer paragraphs with unnecessary information. Instead, use bullet points and content headers to break your content into more readable sections. This means ensuring that your content is easy to read and can be skimmed through.

Do: Use Semantic Search Techniques

Semantic search relates to the incorporation of natural language processing to understand the real meaning behind search queries. You may want to use semantic search techniques to create content that relates to user intent; content that provides the required information that your audience needs.

Do: Focus on People-First Content

As a specialist SEO agency in Melbourne, we know the latest Google trends. That’s why we prioritize content that is addressed to people and not search engines. We tell our clients to focus on content that imparts both information and value, thus creating engagement with your audience.

Don’t: Keyword Stuff your Content

Sometimes, you may think that keyword stuffing can result in better Google search trends ranking. Keyword stuffing is a practice that includes stuffing too many keywords into your content to manipulate the rankings of the search. This is in fact, an outdated practice and makes your content boring and hard to read. Also, it can harm the visibility of the page.

Don’t: Plagiarize or Copy Content from Other Sources

Never copy content from any sources and doing so can result in penalties from Google. Make sure that you create original content to provide value to the audience.

Don’t: Neglect Mobile Optimization

Optimizing your content for mobile devices can be crucial for the success of SEO. Since we all conduct multiple searches on mobile devices, it is important to ensure that your content is optimised for these devices. Use responsive design and control the content to make improvements in the search visibility of the content.

Don’t: Spread Misinformation or Inaccurate Information

Your page is going to look unprofessional if you include inaccurate and misleading information. This can cause harm to the E-A-T of the website and result in penalties from the search engine. So, always make sure that content is factually accurate and that it provides value to readers with relevant information.

Don’t: Use Keyword Stuffing or Unnatural Language

Something that can harm the search visibility of the website is keyword stuffing and unnatural language. Rather, you should focus on creating informative and engaging content that is comprised of natural language.
To create helpful Google content, you need to focus on the needs of the audience and maintain a commitment towards quality and a deep understanding of the practices that are most suitable for SEO. Our SEO company in Melbourne provides optimized content that not only suits the needs of businesses but is also aligned with Google search trends. Contact us today to avail the services of a leading content marketing service in Melbourne.


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