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Tips, Strategies and How-To’s for Long Tail Keyword Optimization

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Tips, Strategies and How-To’s for Long Tail Keyword Optimization

Blog / Tips, Strategies and How-To’s for Long Tail Keyword Optimization

Tips, Strategies and How-To’s for Long Tail Keyword Optimization

What are the ways in which your website is discovered by visitors?

If you’re looking to boost your website traffic without breaking the bank, long-tail keywords may be your answer. These targeted phrases, which are more specific and less competitive than generic keywords, can help potential customers find your website more easily through search engines.

At Traffic Radius, we understand the power of long-tail keywords and how they can benefit your business. By working with our team, you can tap into this free traffic source and capture those extra clicks that could lead to paying customers.

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But it’s not just about using any long-tail keyword – it’s about creating in-depth content that targets these phrases effectively. By consistently publishing quality content that aligns with your audience’s interests, you can attract more visitors to your website and build your brand’s online presence.

So, let’s dive into the world of long-tail keywords together and learn how to use them to drive more traffic and growth for your business. Contact Traffic Radius today to get started!

What are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are the not-so-secret weapon in the world of digital marketing. These are the longer and more specific phrases that not only tell search engines what people want to know, but also why they want to know it.

For instance, “SEO” or “keywords” are short tail or head keywords. But “What are the best keywords for digital marketers?” is an example of a long-tail keyword. Although they may have less search volume, they’re more likely to attract visitors who are specifically interested in what you have to offer.

At first glance, short-tail keywords may seem like the obvious choice for your keyword research. After all, they have high search volume and are more likely to get noticed by marketers. However, this also means that the competition for these keywords is fierce. This is where long-tail keywords come in handy. They may have slightly less search volume, but they are easier to rank for.

Apart from boosting your website’s visibility on search engines, long-tail keywords can also offer valuable insights into your audience’s search behaviour and preferences. By analysing the long-tail keywords that bring people to your site, you can gain a better understanding of their needs and interests. This allows you to tailor your content and marketing strategies to better connect with your audience and increase engagement.

So, don’t overlook the power of long-tail keywords in your digital marketing strategy. Get started with Traffic Radius today and unlock the full potential of your website!

The Benefits of Incorporating Long-Tail Keywords into Your Blogs

Are you tired of pouring money into paid advertising with little to no results? It’s time to consider incorporating long-tail keywords into your content marketing strategy. Here’s why:

  • Long-tail keywords can bring you both traffic and conversions. And let’s face it, those are the two things you really want from your content marketing efforts.
  • Paid advertising is effective, but it can quickly become expensive. By gradually replacing those paid clicks with organic traffic from long-tail keywords, you could save money and potentially see even better results.
  • According to Google’s Economic Impact Report, organic search is five times more valuable than paid search. So, why not capitalize on the power of long-tail keywords?

Searches of more than four words make up a whopping 95.88 percent of all Google searches. This means there’s a huge potential audience out there waiting to find your content.

Long-tail keywords are more specific, indicating greater buyer intent. Think about it – someone searching for “real estate” could be looking for a variety of information. But someone searching for “4-bed real estate in Naperville” is likely further along in the buying process.

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your content can help you attract a more qualified audience, ultimately leading to more conversions and a higher ROI. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start optimizing your content with long-tail keywords!

Factors that Influence the Ranking of Long-Tail Keywords

It’s not rocket science: relevance and specificity are the key ingredients that cause long-tail keywords to rank higher in search engine results. Simply put, when people search for something online, they’re usually searching for a specific solution to a specific problem or need.

To determine how relevant, useful, and authoritative your page is for a given search term, Google uses a complex algorithm that takes into account up to 200 factors. However, long-tail keywords that are more specific and precisely targeted to user needs are more likely to match the searcher’s intent, making them more likely to rank higher in search results.

But that’s not all. User engagement with your content is also crucial to getting your long-tail keywords to rank higher. If your blog post or webpage provides valuable information that aligns with the user’s search intent, they’re more likely to spend time on your site, read your content, and share it with others. This sends a positive signal to search engines that your content is of high quality and relevance, which can further boost your rankings for long-tail keywords.

So, if you want to rank higher for long-tail keywords, make sure to keep these core elements in mind: specificity, relevance, and user engagement.

Headlines Rich in Keywords

Crafting compelling headlines is crucial in getting more clicks and driving traffic to your website. It is essential to front-load your headline with relevant keywords, as people often scan the first two words of the headline to see if it is relevant to their search query.

One way to write keyword-rich headlines is to use long-tail key phrases. Long-tail keywords that are specific and targeted are more likely to match the user’s intent, making them more likely to rank higher in search results. For example, using keywords like “making money from home,” “stay at home jobs,” or “how to make extra money” can attract the right audience to your website.

Another approach to creating compelling headlines is to find popular articles and make them your own by improving them. Tools like Ubersuggest can help you find keyword ideas and analyse the competition. Once you have identified a relevant keyword, create a headline that is keyword-rich, clickable, and shareable.

In summary, writing keyword-rich headlines can contribute to getting hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors to your blog or website. It is essential to use relevant and specific long-tail keywords in your headlines to attract the right audience. Additionally, improving existing popular articles by creating your own headline can increase your website traffic and engagement.

Internal Linking

Internal linking is an important factor in targeting long-tail keywords and improving your site’s authority. It refers to the process of linking to other web pages on the same domain. By linking to relevant internal pages, you show Google that you are focused on user experience and want to engage your audience.

Wikipedia is a great example of a site that utilizes internal linking effectively. They link to other pages, no matter the subject, and this helps to heat up the page and pass more value to it. By linking to your already-published articles, you can meet your user’s expectations and keep them engaged on your site, increasing your authority.

When linking to internal pages, make sure they are unique and helpful, and that you vary your anchor text. Avoid using exact match anchor text excessively, as this could lead to trouble. Additionally, add breadcrumbs to make navigating your internal links easier for your users.

By following these internal linking best practices, you can improve your site’s authority, engage your audience, and target long-tail keywords effectively.

Links are the backbone of the internet, and they’re still the driving force behind SEO success. But here’s the catch: you can’t just slap any old links on your site and expect results. If you want to boost your search traffic and improve your rankings, you need to focus on building high-quality, relevant links that enhance your Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA).

Learn More: Domain Authority vs.Page Authority

So, what are DA and PA? Think of them as measures of your website’s authority and trustworthiness, and the authority of individual pages on your site. These metrics take into account a range of factors, from the quality and quantity of inbound links, to the relevance and quality of your content, and your website’s overall user experience.

By prioritizing the building of strong, relevant links, you can improve both your DA and PA, and ultimately, drive more traffic to your site. But remember, this is no quick fix. It takes patience, persistence, and of course, high-quality, trending, and helpful content to achieve SEO success. So, get linking, and watch your website’s search visibility soar.

Social Engagement

In the modern age of SEO, social signals have become increasingly critical to success. Your target audience is likely spending more time scrolling through their favorite social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest, than on any other platform. That’s why it’s crucial to engage with them on these platforms and incorporate them into your content strategy to increase search volume.

While social signals may not have a direct impact on your search rankings, they play a vital role in improving your overall engagement levels. This leads to a decrease in bounce rates, quality backlinks to your internal web pages, and ultimately passes link juice to your pages.

It’s important to keep in mind that the headline is the first thing users see, so using long-tail keywords in it can significantly impact your click-through rate. This can lead to higher engagement levels and ultimately boost your search rankings. So, make sure your headlines are crafted carefully and strategically to maximize their impact.

Tips for Incorporating Long Tail Keywords in Your Blog

Long-tail keywords are essential for any business. It doesn’t matter how authoritative your site is; the sheer volume of long-tail keywords means they’re something you can’t ignore.

You can’t just take long-tail keywords and stuff them into your content, though. Modern SEO is about providing the user with the best experience. To do this, you need to integrate long-tail keywords into high-quality, relevant content.

Set Your ContentMarketing Objectives What do you want to achieve with your blog post?

Your honest answer can help you create user-friendly blog posts that rank high in keyword search results.

Copyblogger showcased 10 content marketing goals worth pursuing, including:

  • Build trust and rapport with customers.
  • Attract potential customers to your marketing system.
  • Explore prospect pain.
  • Illustrate benefits.
  • Overcome objections.
  • Build your reputation with search engines.

With hard work and patience, great content marketing achieves any of these goals. The best approach is to choose one or two core goals you want every piece of content to achieve.

Whatever your goals, if you want to attract new prospects, you have to identify long-tail keywords they use. You can then create valuable, evergreen content based on those long-tail keywords.

Create Buyer Personas to Help You Understand User Intent If you’re going to match user intent, you’ve got to understand the people searching for your products/services (your buyer personas).

Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data and research about your target audience. By creating detailed personas, you can better understand your audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points, and tailor your long-tail keyword strategy accordingly.

Research and Select Your Long-tail Keywords You have to be picky about your long-tail keywords.

Longer variations of your keywords may have lower search volumes than head keywords, but their conversion rates are usually very high.

Let’s find those long-tail keywords right now. Just follow these simple steps:

Step #1: Go to Ubersuggest, type your main keyword (e.g., car insurance), and click the “Search” button.

Step #2: Click “Keyword Ideas” in the left sidebar:

Step #3: Choose your long-tail keywords from the results list by identifying keywords with four or more words.

Step #4: Filter the results in search of high volume, low SEO difficulty long-tail keywords:

For this industry, which is highly competitive, I set the SEO difficulty to no greater than 40 while keeping the search volume in the 2,000 to 7,000 range.

Step #5: Click a keyword to learn more.

Writing Your Content

The primary purpose of your content should be to provide solutions to your visitors’ questions and problems, and keywords should take a backseat to this objective.

After conducting thorough research, ensure that your use of long-tail keywords aligns with the user’s intent and feels organic in your content.

While some marketers suggest using one keyword per 200 words, the quality of your content is more important than quantity. Depending on the article, I aim to use my keyword 10 to 20 times in a 2,000-word piece.

Your titles and headings are essential components of your content, so incorporating long-tail keywords into them can help search engines understand your content’s structure and make it easier for readers to navigate. However, it is crucial to prioritize natural language rather than forcing keywords into every sentence.

In the past, people could benefit from inserting keywords as frequently as possible, but Google’s algorithms have become more sophisticated and prioritize the value that your content providers to users. Thus, keyword stuffing will not lead to success in search rankings.

Case Studies: Long Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are a powerful tool for bloggers and website owners, as they can be easier to rank for and can help fill a void or answer a specific question for search users. This was exemplified in a case study by Marcus Sheridan, founder of River Pools and Spas, who wrote an in-depth blog post targeting the long-tail keyword “problems with fiberglass pools.” Although he didn’t rank number one for the head keyword “fiberglass pools,” his single web page ranked first on Google for the long-tail keyword.

There are many benefits to targeting long-tail keywords, including boosting search rankings and improving conversion rates. To achieve success, it’s important to focus on user intent and create high-quality content that solves problems for your target audience. Proper on-page optimization is also critical, as Google still considers keyword usage when ranking content.

A great example of this is the Take Me Fishing website, which focused on content optimization and saw a nearly 1,000% increase in traffic, including ranking number one for the highly profitable and in-demand keyword “best fishing spots.” By creating helpful content that addresses user intent and optimizing it properly, website owners can achieve higher search traffic and better conversion rates.

Busting the Myths About Long Tail Keywords

Long-tail SEO Keyword Myths to Ignore:

  • Myth 1: Target only long-tailkeywords Over-optimizing for either short-tail or long-tail keywords can result in a Google penalty. Instead, focus on creating content based on user intent that helps readers without manipulating rankings.
  • Myth 2: Always use exact long-tailkeywords in your headline. While there are benefits to targeting long-tail keywords, it’s important to ensure they flow smoothly and naturally in your headline to avoid keyword stuffing and a Google penalty.
  • Myth 3: Long-tail key phrases are less expensive. While some long-tail phrases may be less expensive, many are expensive and take time to improve organic rankings. The suggested bid on most long-tail search queries is high because of the perceived value, demand, and intent behind the search.
  • Myth 4: Aim to be on the first page of Google results. While a top ranking is desirable, it’s more important to create headlines that inspire searchers to click and visit your site. Without a great headline, users may quickly leave your site, resulting in a drop in rankings.

To succeed in SEO, focus on creating valuable content based on user intent, using keywords naturally, and crafting headlines that inspire clicks. Remember, SEO is a long-term practice, so don’t expect overnight success.

Tools for Research

Automated SEO is certainly not the be-all and end-all of search engine optimization, but there are several helpful software tools that can assist in the process. By utilizing these tools, you can easily conduct keyword research and track your website’s search engine ranking positions. Here are some important metrics to track and tools to use:

Long-tail keyword research tools: As we aim to increase our monthly search visitors through long-tail traffic, it’s crucial to have tools that simplify the process. Ubersuggest is just one of the many tools you can use for long-tail keyword research. Other helpful tools include:

  • AnswerThePublic: This tool provides insights into real-life questions and queries that users are typing into search engines, making it an excellent source for long-tail keyword opportunities.
  • Google’s autocomplete feature: Simply start typing your head term into Google and see what autopopulates. This can serve as an effective starting point for long-tail keyword research. Then, you can use Ubersuggest to determine which variations of long-tail keywords are most worth targeting based on search volume and difficulty.
  • KWFinder: Offering SERP analysis, SEO difficulty, rank tracking, and more, KWFinder is a useful tool for identifying long-tail keywords that your website can compete for.
  • SECockpit: This robust tool offers an array of advanced metrics for analyzing keywords, making it a great resource for identifying low-competition keywords.
  • Semrush: Like Ubersuggest, Semrush’s keyword research tool is ideal for identifying both long-tail and short-tail keywords. It also offers additional features, such as competitor analysis and backlink tracking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are long tail keywords important in SEO?

Long-tail keywords play a crucial role in SEO because they have lower competition than broader keywords. This makes it easier for your website to rank higher in search results. Additionally, long-tail keywords help attract more relevant traffic to your website, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

How can I include long tail keywords in my content?

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your content is simple. Begin by researching relevant long-tail keywords, then create high-quality content that is related to those topics. Use the keywords naturally throughout your content, in headings and subheadings, without overusing them or compromising the quality of your writing.

Can long tail keywords be used in PPC campaigns

Yes, long-tail keywords can be used in PPC campaigns. In fact, they can enhance the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns by attracting more targeted traffic and facing less competition. This can lead to increased conversions and a higher ROI.


To provide the best user experience and rank higher in search engines, it’s important to understand your target audience and their search behaviour. One effective strategy is to conduct long-tail keyword research and incorporate these keywords into your content. By using the language your target audience uses to search, you can improve engagement and attract more qualified traffic to your website, leading to significant results.

They are also an excellent tool to make money from home. If you are looking for a curated service for long tail keywords, then contact us now


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