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All You Need to Know About Email Marketing: Proven Tactics, Processes and Benefits

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All You Need to Know About Email Marketing: Proven Tactics, Processes and Benefits

Blog / All You Need to Know About Email Marketing: Proven Tactics, Processes and Benefits

All You Need to Know About Email Marketing: Proven Tactics, Processes and Benefits

Effectively delivering your marketing message to your intended audience can be challenging amidst the overwhelming online clutter. The constant barrage of social media, banner ads, video ads, short YouTube ads and the dreaded presence of spam emails makes it even more difficult.

Nonetheless, when executed correctly, email marketing has the potential to wield significant power. As stated by the Digital Advertising Network, email marketing outperforms social media advertising by an impressive 40% in terms of effectiveness.

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Traffic Radius will provide you with valuable tips and expert advice on successfully launching and running your email marketing campaign.

What Does Email Marketing Entail?

Email marketing is a direct form of marketing that involves electronically sending promotional materials to individuals’ email addresses who have willingly opted to receive such communications.

Over the years, email marketing has evolved significantly, both positively and negatively. Thanks to advancements in technology and dedicated software, email marketing has transformed into a personalised and targeted channel, moving away from the generic one-size-fits-all approach.

Various Email Marketing Platforms:

Here are some popular email marketing platforms that businesses can use to streamline their email marketing efforts and enhance the effectiveness of their campaigns:

  • Mailchimp: A widely utilised email marketing platform that offers user-friendly features, customisable templates, list management tools, automation options and detailed campaign analytics.
  • Constant Contact: Known for its ease of use, Constant Contact provides a range of templates and customisation choices. It offers features such as list management, email automation and seamless integration with other marketing tools.
  • ConvertKit: Designed specifically for creators and bloggers, ConvertKit offers easy-to-use automation features, customisable forms and segmenting options to engage effectively with different audience segments.
  • Campaign Monitor: With a drag-and-drop email builder, customisable templates, and automation features, Campaign Monitor allows advanced segmentation options and integrates with popular CRM and e-commerce platforms.
  • Sendinblue: An all-in-one marketing platform, Sendinblue encompasses email marketing, SMS marketing, live chat, and CRM functionalities. It offers user-friendly email design tools, automation workflows, and robust audience segmentation capabilities.

These platforms differ in terms of features, pricing and target audience. It is essential to evaluate your specific requirements and select the platform that aligns best with your business goals and needs.

Learn More: E-commerce Email Marketing Best Practices

What Makes Email Marketing Highly Effective?

Email marketing stands out as a highly effective approach due to three key factors that contribute to its success:

  • Accessibility: With an extensive user base encompassing million, if not billions, of individuals possessing email addresses, coupled with the widespread usage of smartphones, email provides an accessible and convenient means of communication. Your marketing message can reach people virtually anywhere and at any time.
  • Affordability: When equipped with the right tools, email marketing becomes a remarkably cost-effective strategy. The ability to send a substantial volume of emails at a minimal expense is a testament to its affordability and efficiency.
  • User-Friendliness: Setting up and executing email campaigns is surprisingly straightforward. Many platforms and tools offer user-friendly interfaces and automated features that streamline the process. This automation allows recipients to progress through the email journey at their own pace, eliminating the need for manual email dispatches.

Types Of Email Marketing:

Businesses have a range of email marketing strategies at their disposal to engage their audience and achieve marketing goals. Here are some commonly used types:

  • Welcome Emails: These emails are sent to new subscribers or customers to introduce the brand, set expectations, and extend a warm welcome. They can include appreciation messages, details about products or services, and clear calls to action.
  • Newsletters: Regular emails sent to subscribers to provide updates, valuable content, and ongoing communication. Newsletters often cover industry news, blog articles, promotions, and other relevant information.
  • Promotional Emails: Designed to promote specific products, services, or offers. These emails may feature discounts, sales announcements, time-limited deals and personalised recommendations based on recipient preferences or purchase history.
  • Abandoned Cart Emails: Sent as reminders when customers add items to their cart but fail to complete the purchase. These emails typically include personalised messages, a summary of the abandoned items, and incentives to encourage customers to finalise their purchases.
  • Customer Retention Emails: Aimed at nurturing existing customers and encouraging repeat purchases. These emails may include loyalty rewards, special offers, personalised recommendations and exclusive content to strengthen customer relationships.
  • Re-engagement Emails: Target subscribers who have become inactive or disengaged. These emails employ special offers, personalised content, or requests to update preferences, aiming to reignite subscribers’ interest.
  • Transactional Emails: Triggered by specific actions or events such as order confirmations, shipping notifications, password resets or account updates. While transactional, these emails can also include personalised recommendations or cross-selling opportunities.
  • Survey or Feedback Emails: Used to gather customer feedback, conduct surveys or collect testimonials. These emails provide insights for businesses to improve their products or services and enhance customer satisfaction.

Choosing the appropriate email marketing campaigns depends on the businesses’ objectives, target audience and overall marketing strategy. You can choose from hundreds of customisable email marketing templates and start your marketing journey.

Learn More: How Email Marketing Works?

Key Benefits of Email Marketing

Determining the effectiveness of email marketing is a crucial question. Will it be worth your investment, and can it yield financial rewards? Let’s explore the evidence:

  • Remarkable ROI:

    According to a DMA study in 2019, email marketing generates an average of $42 in revenue for every $1 spent. This translates to an impressive ROI of 4200%. It’s challenging to find another marketing strategy that offers such compelling returns.

  • Increased Conversions:

    In an article by Barilliance in August 2021, it was revealed that email marketing achieves a healthy conversion rate of 15.11% for users making purchases through websites. Email campaigns play a pivotal role in nurturing potential customers, keeping your brand at the forefront of their minds until they are ready to make a purchase.

  • Vast Customer Base:

    The potential customer base for email marketing is substantial. A 2019 Adobe study showed that people spend over five hours a day checking their emails. The prevalence of email alerts on smart devices further reinforces the active engagement of users. By tapping into this extensive market, particularly mobile device users, you can reach a wide audience with your marketing message.

  • Customer Loyalty & Brand Awareness:

    Consistently sending your branded email newsletter at regular intervals helps establish a sense of familiarity and reliability among your customer bases. By maintaining regular contact and delivering valuable content, you can enhance customer loyalty and reinforce brand awareness.

Email marketing techniques can foster customer loyalty and leave recipients. They include:

  • Personalised Product Recommendations
  • Birthday Vouchers
  • Exclusive Subscriber Offers
  • Engaging Content

In conclusion, email marketing offers impressive ROI, drives conversions, reaches a vast customer base, and contributes to customer loyalty and brand awareness. It proves to be a highly effective marketing strategy with substantial benefits for businesses.

How to Do Email Marketing: Get Started with Your Email Marketing Campaign in 6 Simple Steps

Now that you understand the benefits of an email campaign, it’s time to embark on your email marketing journey. Follow these six easy steps:

  • Build Your Mailing List: To kick-start your campaign, focus on gathering a consistent and permission-based email list. Create a form where people can willingly share their names and email addresses. Consider offering incentives such as a free eBook or exclusive access to your YouTube channel to encourage sign-ups. Make it easy for people to unsubscribe to comply with privacy regulations.
  • Select an Email Service Provider (ESP): While manually managing email contacts is possible, it can be time-consuming and inefficient. Instead, opt for an online email service provider (ESP) that streamlines the process. Here are a few popular options to consider:
    • Mailchimp: Offers a free plan with attractive email templates, robust reporting features, and the ability to target specific audiences.
    • Mailer Lite: User-friendly with drag-and-drop functionality, ideal for beginners. Provides a free plan for up to 1,000 contacts and 12,000 monthly emails.
    • Active Campaign: Known for its automation capabilities, with options for free features, data migration assistance, and integrations with other software.
  • Create a Marketing Plan: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that outlines your goals, metrics, reporting methods and target audience. Define your audience and segment them based on their engagement levels. Determine the type of content you’ll create, whether it’s driving engagement, rewarding active subscribers or promoting news, products, or services.
  • Design Engaging Email Content: Craft compelling and relevant content that resonates with your audience. Tailor your messages to specific segments, personalising the experience for each group. Experiment with different email marketing formats, including newsletters, promotions, or announcements, to keep your content fresh and engaging.
  • Automate and Personalise: Utilise the automation features provided by your ESP to streamline your email campaigns. Set up automated workflows that trigger emails based on specific actions or dates, such as abandoned cart reminders or personalised birthday offers. Personalisation helps create a more personalised and meaningful experience for your subscribers.
  • Analyse and Optimise: Regularly analyse the performance of your email campaigns. Use this data to optimise your campaigns, making informed decisions on improving subject lines, content and targeting. Continuously refine your strategies based on the insights gained from your analysis.
  • Conduct Email System Testing: Before sending out any emails, it’s crucial to thoroughly test your systems and ensure everything functions properly. This includes testing any automation you have set up. Take the following steps:
    • Subscribe to your service and verify that your free offer or incentive works seamlessly.
    • Create a test list with a few email addresses and test them using different browsers or email software systems.
    • Send the emails and carefully review them for any spelling or grammatical errors that may have been overlooked.
    • Test the emails on mobile devices to ensure optimal display and functionality.
  • Implement Email Automation: Once you have resolved any issues and confirmed that your email marketing campaign is functioning correctly, it’s time to automate the process. Set up automated emails such as a welcome message, delivery of incentives, and a multi-step email marketing campaign.

Automating these processes will free up your time from micro-managing email marketing and allow you to focus on more productive and profitable aspects of your business.

Learn More: The Best Email Marketing Tips

Managing Your Email Marketing Campaign with Traffic Radius

Traffic Radius offers a comprehensive solution for managing your email marketing campaigns, including a powerful Marketing Calendar feature. This tool allows you to efficiently set up and track your email campaigns, ensuring seamless integration with your overall marketing strategy.

Here’s how the Marketing Calendar can benefit your email marketing efforts:

  • Streamlined Campaign Organisation: The Marketing Calendar provides a centralised platform to map out and organise your marketing campaigns. By visualising your email campaigns alongside other marketing activities, you can gain a holistic view of your marketing initiatives. This fosters transparency among teams, ensuring everyone is aware of workloads and commitments.
  • Scheduled Email Delivery: With the Marketing Calendar, you can schedule and track the delivery of your emails. This feature helps you determine the precise timing of your email marketing campaigns, ensuring they align with your overall marketing objectives. By strategically planning when emails are sent, you can optimise engagement and increase the likelihood of conversions.
  • Audience Segmentation: The Marketing Calendar allows you to segment your audience and assign specific emails to different target groups. This functionality helps you tailor your email content and promotions to specific segments, enhancing the personalisation and relevance of your campaigns. By understanding which audience receives each email, you can optimise your messaging and increase the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.
  • Integration with Google Analytics: By monitoring key metrics and insights, such as engagement rates and website traffic generated from emails, you can make data-driven decisions to optimise your email marketing strategy.


In conclusion, email marketing is a highly effective and valuable tool for businesses. It offers a range of benefits that can contribute to the growth and success of your marketing efforts.

Here’s a summary of the key points to consider:

  • Effectiveness and ROI: Email marketing consistently delivers a high return on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing channels. Studies have shown that it has the potential to generate impressive revenue, with an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent.
  • Increased Conversions: Through email marketing, you can effectively nurture leads, provide personalised recommendations and employ strategies like abandoned cart emails to guide prospects along the buyer’s journey and increase conversion rates.
  • Wide Reach and Targeting: With billions of people using email worldwide, email marketing offers a vast potential customer base. By leveraging email segmentation, you can tailor your messages to specific target groups, enhancing the relevance and impact of your campaigns.
  • Customer Loyalty and Brand Awareness: By regularly engaging with your audience through email newsletters and valuable content, you can foster customer loyalty and strengthen brand awareness. Offering exclusive offers, personalised recommendations, and maintaining consistent communication helps establish a strong connection with your customers.
  • Automation and Efficiency: Email marketing platforms provide automation features that streamline the process, saving you time and effort. Through automated email sequences, welcome emails, and personalised triggers, you can deliver timely and relevant messages without the need for manual intervention.
  • Measurable Results: Email marketing offers valuable insights and analytics that enable you to track and measure the performance of your campaigns. By analysing metrics such as open rates and click-through rates, you can gain actionable insights to refine your strategies and improve the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

Incorporating email marketing into your overall marketing strategy can yield significant benefits for your business.

By harnessing the power of email, you can effectively:

  • Reach your target audience
  • Nurture leads
  • Drive conversions
  • Build long-term relationships with your customers

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