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Tracking Social Media Metrics: Measuring and Analysing Performance

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Tracking Social Media Metrics: Measuring and Analysing Performance

Blog / Tracking Social Media Metrics: Measuring and Analysing Performance

Tracking Social Media Metrics: Measuring and Analysing Performance

If you’re utilising social media platforms, it’s important to track and measure your efforts. However, measuring social media should go beyond simply collecting metrics. The goal is to gain insights into what strategies are effective, identify areas for improvement and enhance overall performance.

In this blog, we will guide initiating social media measurement for your organisation by addressing the following questions:

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  • How do you determine social media success?
  • How do you select the appropriate social media metrics to track?
  • How do you calculate and analyse these metrics?
  • How do you interpret the data once it’s collected?

By exploring these topics, you can establish a foundation for effective social media measurement and analysis, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimise your social media presence using the best social media analytics tools.

Learn More: Effective Social Media Marketing for Your Business

Understanding Social Media Measurement

Social media measurement goes beyond simply counting likes or shares for the sake of vanity metrics. It involves a systematic approach of tracking, collecting and analysing data from your social media channels to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies and make well-informed marketing decisions.

In this discussion, we will delve into the intricacies of tracking social media metrics, exploring the various data points that provide valuable insights into the performance of your social media efforts. By understanding these nuances, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of social media measurement and its significance in optimising your marketing strategies.

The Two Categories of Social Media Measurement

There are two primary categories of social media measurement:

  • Ongoing Analytics: This type involves continuous monitoring and tracking of social media activity over an extended period. It enables you to keep tabs on the overall conversation surrounding your brand and company. Once you set up your brand tracking, you can let it run in the background and periodically review the results to gauge performance and engagement levels.
  • Campaign-Focused Metrics: These metrics are specific to individual marketing campaigns or events with distinct start and end dates. They provide insights into the effectiveness and impact of targeted marketing initiatives. The metrics tracked may vary from one campaign to another, depending on the specific goals and objectives set for each campaign.

What To Do?

A comprehensive social media measurement program typically incorporates both ongoing analytics and campaign-focused metrics. This approach allows you to have a holistic view of your brand’s overall social media performance while also evaluating the success and impact of individual campaigns based on their unique objectives.

Illustrating a Social Media Measurement Scenario

Imagine you are part of a consumer products company preparing to launch a new diaper brand. To complement your extensive advertising and marketing efforts, you plan to sponsor a one-hour Twitter party. The goal is to provide a platform for parents and caregivers to engage in discussions about raising children, with a focus on diapering and potty training.

For this event, you have selected a unique hashtag and secured the services of an influential Twitter user who will facilitate the conversation by posing questions and leading the discussion. Now, your priority is to ensure that you measure the impact of this Twitter chat. This measurement will enable you to learn from the experience and effectively communicate the chat’s effectiveness to your superiors.

Importance Of Social Media Analytics:

By implementing social media measurement and analytics strategies, you can gather relevant data and metrics to assess the success of the Twitter party. This analysis will provide valuable insights into the chat’s reach, engagement levels and overall impact, allowing you to evaluate its effectiveness in achieving the desired goals.

Types of Social Media Analytics: Various types of social media analytics provide valuable insights into your social media performance. Here are some key categories:

  • Engagement Metrics: These metrics measure user interaction with your social media content, such as likes, comments, shares, retweets and mentions. They help gauge audience engagement and the effectiveness of your content in generating interactions.
  • Reach and Impressions Metrics: These metrics assess the visibility and exposure of your social media content. Reach measures the number of unique users who see your content, while impressions indicate the total number of times your content is displayed.
  • Conversion Metrics: Conversion metrics track actions taken by users because of your social media efforts, such as click-through rates, website visits, lead generation, and sales. They help evaluate the effectiveness of your campaigns in driving desired outcomes and achieving business goals.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Sentiment analysis examines the emotional tone expressed in social media conversations about your brand. It involves analysing mentions and comments to determine whether the sentiment is positive, negative or neutral.
  • Audience Metrics: Audience analytics focus on understanding the demographics, behaviours and interests of your social media audience. They provide insights into factors like age, gender, location and preferences, helping you tailor your strategies to effectively engage with your target audience.
  • Influencer Metrics: Influencer analytics identify influential individuals or accounts within your social media community. These metrics help identify key influencers who can amplify your brand message, reach new audiences and drive engagement.

Learn More: The Dos and Don’ts of Influencer Marketing

Google Social Media Analytics Step-By-Step Process

Wondering how to track social media analytics? Here we are going to discuss the step-by-step process of tracking, measuring and analysing Google social media analytics. It’ll help you understand how to measure your return on investment and assess the impact of your social media efforts on your overall business. Let’s dive in further:

Step 1: Define Your Social Media Objectives

Before delving into measuring every single post, tweet, or comment about your brand on social media, it’s crucial to establish your specific goals and objectives for utilising these platforms. What are you aiming to achieve or gain through your social media presence? Additionally, which social media channels are most relevant to these goals?

  • The initial step in your social media measurement plan involves creating a comprehensive list of what you intend to accomplish with your social media efforts.
  • Social media serves various purposes, such as disseminating news and information, addressing customer inquiries, and engaging with communities.
  • You may already be active on platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter, depending on the nature of your content and the target audience you aim to reach.

Social Media Metrics Examples:

In the case of our Twitter chat example, our objectives are likely twofold:

  • To increase awareness of the new product among potential customers.
  • To establish connections within the Twitter parenting community, particularly with influential individuals in that community.

Step 2: Choose Key Social Media Metrics to Monitor

An essential aspect of social media measurement is identifying the metrics that are most relevant to your objectives. Let’s explore some key metrics and considerations for effective social media measurement.

  • Volume: Volume refers to the size of the conversation surrounding your brand or campaign on social media. Tracking the number of messages and individuals discussing your brand over time provides an initial indication of interest and engagement.
  • Reach: Reach measures the extent of your social media conversation. It helps gauge the potential audience size and the dissemination of your content. While a large audience is beneficial, it’s crucial to compare reach with other engagement metrics.
  • Engagement: Monitoring engagement is vital for understanding how people participate in conversations about your brand. It includes actions like sharing, commenting, replying, and liking. Assess your social media goals to determine whether you prioritise interaction or message spreading.
  • Influence: Identifying who is talking about your brand and its impact is important. Influence is a controversial metric, as audience size doesn’t always equate to influence. Tools like Brandwatch Audiences can help you identify individuals participating in conversations about your brand and campaigns. Look for brand advocates whose messages are amplified by others, rather than solely relying on follower counts.
  • Share of Voice: Tracking the share of voice metric helps evaluate your performance on social media within your industry or niche. It measures the proportion of conversation about your brand compared to discussions about competitors. This metric allows you to learn from competitors’ successes and measure their impact.
  • Impressions: Impressions represent the total number of times your content is displayed, regardless of user engagement. It indicates the potential visibility of your content, providing insight into its reach. However, impressions alone do not indicate full social media success.
  • Mentions: Mentions track the number of times your brand is referenced on social media, including when other users tag your brand. Monitoring mentions helps assess your brand’s visibility and reputation online. Analysing trends and sentiment can provide valuable insights into the impact of your campaigns.
  • Lead Generation: Tracking lead generation from social media campaigns is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of your strategy in attracting and converting potential customers. Monitor the journey of potential customers from initial interaction to conversion to optimise your social media strategy.
  • Virality Rate: Virality rate measures the number of shares a post receives compared to unique views, indicating how quickly and extensively your content spreads. Compelling and resonant content tends to drive higher virality rates. It could be a witty tweet, a thought-provoking blog post or an emotionally engaging video.

By selecting and monitoring these key social media metrics, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your social media efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimise your strategies.

Step 3: Implement Measurement

Once you have identified the metrics you want to focus on, it’s essential to utilise social media measurement tools that can effectively capture these metrics. While we mentioned some tools earlier to help you get started, it’s crucial to explore a wide range of options to find the tools that best suit your needs for tracking your specific social media metrics.

Many social media platforms provide built-in analytics features, allowing you to access basic insights directly. In other cases, you may need to rely on third-party tools or even develop your solutions using APIs.

It’s advisable to plan and set up tracking mechanisms before your campaign launches to ensure smooth data collection. Real-time social media measurement tools can capture data as it happens, making it easier to access the necessary data for your analysis and reporting.

Social Media Metrics Examples:

On Twitter, accessing older tweets beyond a few days can be challenging, expensive, and less reliable compared to collecting and archiving them in real-time. Whenever possible, set up your measurement tools ahead of time to ensure comprehensive data collection and analysis throughout your campaign duration.

Step 4: Monitor the Performance of Your Social Media Campaign

The fourth step in creating a successful social media campaign is to closely track its performance. This involves evaluating how your campaign aligns with the goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) you established at the beginning. Comparing your numbers to your expectations, as well as to your competitors’ or related products and campaigns, is crucial for gaining valuable insights.

  • Social media analytics offer the advantage of easily gathering comparative data, allowing you to run reports on your competitors’ campaigns and identify industry trends, engagement strategies and potential areas of opportunity.
  • It’s important to establish a regular reporting schedule that suits your specific business requirements, whether it’s weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
  • Consistency in tracking your metrics ensures that your efforts receive the attention they deserve and enables you to make real-time adjustments as needed. Over time, the accumulation of data allows for meaningful comparisons and valuable insights.
  • When preparing your reports, focus on highlighting the key metrics that align with your goals and KPIs. Provide benchmarks or contextual information to assist stakeholders in interpreting the numbers effectively. Visualise the data using simple and clean graphs to convey results quickly and clearly.

Using the previous example of a Twitter chat to promote a new product and identify community influencers, you would track the chat’s performance and create a concise internal report. Although you may not have baseline metrics for comparison yet, you would have set targets for your campaign.

For instance, let’s assume the chat generated 750 tweets from 200 unique contributors, reaching 500,000 Twitter users. These numbers indicate the extent of your product’s exposure and provide a list of potential influencers for future collaborations.

These initial metrics serve as a valuable starting point to assess the success of your campaign and inform future initiatives effectively.

Step 5: Refine and Enhance Your Social Media Strategy

The final step in the process is to thoroughly review your social media measurement program and make necessary adjustments. Take a close look at the performance of your metrics and assess if any additional metrics are required or if any existing ones are redundant.

This evaluation will enable you to identify areas for improvement and refine your social media strategy accordingly. Remember to align your metrics with the goals you initially set to ensure they are effectively addressing your objectives.

In the case of our Twitter chat example, upon reviewing our measurement program, we realise the importance of measuring engagement around our chat hashtag. We now recognise the need to track the number of retweets and replies to our host’s tweets, as this will provide valuable insights into the topics that participants found most interesting. We can incorporate this metric into our reporting for future chats.

  • If you are actively engaging in social media, it is crucial to understand how your efforts are impacting your desired outcomes.
  • Regularly assess whether your content is making the desired impact and whether you are meeting your company’s social media goals. This emphasises the importance of monitoring and measuring your social media activities.
  • By utilising reliable and consistent analytics across platforms like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, you can gain valuable insights to track your success and inform your future social media strategies.


Why social media metrics are essential?

Social media metrics serve as vital signs for your social media presence. Like how a doctor assesses your body’s well-being through indicators like heart rate or blood pressure, these metrics provide insights into the performance of your content in the vast realm of social media.They encompass various aspects, such as the number of likes and shares your posts receive, the reach of your content and the click-through rates on your post links. These numbers offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of your strategies and highlight areas for improvement.

What are the different ways to track social media metrics?

Monitoring social media metrics can be a straightforward process. Major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer built-in social media analytics tools that provide comprehensive insights into post-performance. These tools function as report cards, providing details on post interactions, audience demographics and more.

For more detailed analysis or when managing multiple platforms simultaneously, third-party tools like Hootsuite, Buffer and Google Analytics can be utilised. These tools offer advanced tracking capabilities and allow for a more comprehensive view of your social media performance.

Remember, it is essential to focus on the metrics that align with your specific goals. By keeping a close eye on the numbers that matter most to your objectives, you can effectively track your progress and make data-driven decisions to enhance your social media strategies.

How can I analyse social media metrics?

Analysing social media metrics is akin to being a detective, where you scrutinise the numbers to uncover insights about your audience and content. Begin by defining your goals. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness or drive website traffic? Once you establish your objectives, focus on the metrics that directly reflect those goals.

  • Monitoring trends over time is crucial. Assess whether your metrics are trending upward, downward or remaining stable. This longitudinal analysis helps identify patterns and allows you to gauge the effectiveness of your strategies.
  • Comparing your metrics to similar businesses or industry benchmarks provides valuable context. Understanding how your performance stacks up against others in your field helps you gain insights into areas of strength or areas that may require improvement.
  • By adopting this detective-like approach to analysing social media metrics, you can unlock valuable information about your audience, assess the impact of your content, and make informed decisions to optimise your social media strategies.


Mastering social media marketing metrics is essential for unleashing the full potential of your campaigns. By diligently tracking, comprehending, and analysing these metrics, you gain valuable insights into your audience’s behaviours, preferences and engagement with your brand. Armed with this knowledge, you can refine and optimise your strategies to resonate more effectively with your target audience.

What To Do?

  • Monitoring and analysing metrics should be an ongoing commitment rather than a one-time task.
  • When approached with patience, perseverance and a healthy dose of creativity, this journey can lead to significant growth and enhanced visibility for your brand.

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