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Achieving a prominent position on the first page of Google’s search results

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Achieving a prominent position on the first page of Google’s search results

Blog / Achieving a prominent position on the first page of Google’s search results

Achieving a prominent position on the first page of Google’s search results

Achieving a prominent position on Google’s first search engine result page without relying on paid advertisements is a coveted goal for many businesses.

Here are some effective strategies to help you accomplish this:

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  • Optimise Your Website: Implement on-page SEO techniques such as incorporating relevant keywords, creating high-quality and engaging content, optimising meta tags, improving page load speed and ensuring mobile-friendliness.
  • Build High-Quality Backlinks: Focus on quality over quantity, as search engines value backlinks from trustworthy sources.
  • Enhance User Experience: Improve website usability, navigation, and overall user experience. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, visually appealing and provides valuable information that keeps visitors engaged.

If you’re looking to achieve visibility on Google without investing in paid advertising, you’ll need to earn your position organically. Google considers several key factors when ranking organic search results, including:

  • Meaning
  • Relevance
  • Quality
  • Usability
  • Context Of the Content

In this blog, we’ll explore beginner-friendly SEO techniques to help you get on the first page of Google.

Selecting a Target Keyword

The target keyword refers to the specific search query you aim to rank for on Google. By identifying your target keyword, you can strategies and take action to improve your website’s ranking on Google’s first page.

What To Do?

  • It is generally recommended to focus on improving your existing rankings before targeting new keywords. This approach allows you to build upon a solid foundation.
  • Keywords that currently rank on the second page of Google are particularly promising candidates for improvement since it indicates that Google already considers your page to be of good quality. Your goal is to surpass a few competitors and secure a higher ranking.
  • To assess your current rankings, you can use the free tool called Google Search Console. Access the “Performance” section and click on “Search results.” Then, enable the “Average position” checkbox to view your average ranking for different keywords.
  • In the “Queries” table, you will find a list of keywords for which your website ranks. The “Position” column indicates your average ranking during the selected time.
  • For better organisation and analysis of the data, export it to a spreadsheet by clicking the “Export” button at the top. This will allow you to filter for keywords ranking between positions 11 and 20, which roughly corresponds to the second page of Google.
  • Alternatively, you can utilise the Keyword Gap tool. This tool enables you to compare your rankings with those of your competitors, providing valuable keyword insights.
  • Start by entering your domain and up to four competitor domains. Select your country and click “Compare.” Analyse the metrics provided to identify keywords that have significant potential for your business.

By targeting specific keywords strategically, you can improve your chances of ranking on Google’s first page organically.

Understand User Search Intent

To achieve a prominent position on Google’s first page, it is essential to have a solid understanding of user search intent. This refers to the underlying reason behind a user’s search query.

  • For instance, the phrases “toy dog” and “dog toy” may appear similar, but their search results yield different outcomes.
  • A search for “toy dog” typically produces results related to a specific dog breed group:
  • Google search results for “toy dog”
  • On the other hand, a search for “dog toy” generates results related to products:
  • Google search results for “dog toy”

Determining search intent is not always straightforward. While you can conduct searches yourself, keep in mind that Google personalises results based on factors like location and search history.

Things To Know:

  • The “Intent” section, indicates the type of search intent (e.g., informational, navigational, commercial, or transactional) associated with the keyword.
  • The “SERP Analysis” section, offers insights into the top 10 organic search results and any prominent SERP features. The “Search Traffic” column provides an estimate of potential visits you could receive if you reach those positions.
  • By clicking “View SERP,” you can examine the SERP snapshot and gain a better understanding of the websites and pages that rank for the keyword.
  • For instance, searching “good toys for dogs” reveals that the first page of Google is dominated by product roundups published by media websites like The Spruce Pets and NBC News:

To compete for your target keyword, you need to create content that is similar to what currently ranks but offers a superior experience.

Developing High-Quality Content

If you already have a webpage that aligns with the search intent of your target keyword, it’s crucial to update and optimise that content. However, if you don’t have relevant content, you’ll need to create it from scratch.

To secure a position on Google’s first page, you must focus on generating high-quality content. This means creating content that is:

  • Helpful: Ensure your content provides value and addresses the user’s query or problem effectively.
  • Comprehensive: Cover the topic in-depth, providing comprehensive information that satisfies the user’s need for knowledge.
  • Accurate: Ensure the content is accurate, up-to-date and supported by reliable sources or references.
  • Trustworthy: Build trust by demonstrating expertise, credibility and authority on the subject matter.
  • Original: Create unique and original content that offers a fresh perspective or unique insights to engage your audience.

What To Do?

To compete effectively, consider creating similar listicle-style content that provides comprehensive recommendations, along with product descriptions, pricing details, and relevant links. This approach aligns with the user’s search intent and the content format that is performing well in the search results.

By creating high-quality content that meets user needs, you increase the likelihood of achieving a prominent position on Google’s first page.

Learn More: Tips for Enhancing Your Google Rankings Safely

Optimizing for Google’s Search Engine

According to Google, SEO is most effective when applied to content that prioritises the needs of users. In other words, if you want to rank on Google’s first page, it’s essential to optimise your content for search engines while keeping human readers in mind. This involves creating a keyword cluster consisting of relevant keywords that can be used to optimise your webpage.

What To Do?

  • When optimising your content, it’s advisable to choose target keywords for your page. It’s important to consider metrics like keyword difficulty to ensure the chosen keyword is feasible to rank for. The other keywords you identify will then serve as secondary keywords.
  • Make sure to include the target keyword you identified earlier, and consider including other related keywords that share the same intent.
  • Analyse the keywords your top competitors are ranking for, which can be done using an Organic Research tool.

By optimising your content with relevant keywords and paying attention to on-page SEO techniques, you increase your chances of achieving higher rankings on Google’s search results pages.

When another website links to your page, Google sees it as a recommendation, and these links are referred to as backlinks. Alongside creating strong content, backlinks play a crucial role in helping you rank on Google’s first page.

  • Let’s refer to the SERP for the query “good toys for dogs” as an example. In the Keyword Overview, you can see that the top-ranking page has obtained 2,200 backlinks from over 100 websites (referring domains). Generally, pages with a higher number of backlinks tend to rank higher in search results.
  • To assess your backlinks, you can utilise the Backlink Analytics tool. Simply enter the URL of the page you’re working on and click “Analyse.” The Overview page will provide essential data.
  • The “Backlinks” report offers a breakdown of external links pointing to your page.
  • The “Anchors” report displays the anchor text used in your backlinks.
  • The “Referring Domains” report shows which websites are linking to your page.
  • To compare your page’s backlinks with those of your competitors, return to the “Overview” tab. In the “Add competitor” field, enter the URL of a competing page that ideally ranks on the first page of Google. You can add up to three competitors. Click “Compare” to proceed.

If you believe your page could benefit from additional backlinks, there are various link-building techniques to consider:

  • Share your content with publishers who might be interested in featuring it.
  • Identify broken backlinks on relevant websites and reach out to the site owners, suggesting they replace them with your working links.
  • Monitor brand mentions using tools that request that the owners link back to your website. Get backlink ideas based on the top 10 results for your target keywords. Additionally, you can use the Link Building Tools and Google keyword planner to discover websites that might be interested in linking to your content.

By implementing effective link-building strategies and doing thorough keyword research, you can enhance your website’s authority and increase its chances of ranking higher on Google’s search results pages.

Utilise Rank Tracking Tools

Are you looking for a suitable SEO keywords generator? Following is the step-by-step process of creating a list of relevant sets of keywords and phrases:

  • Utilise Rank Tracking Tools: Take advantage of online tools specifically designed to track your keyword rankings. Various options are available, including Google Search Console. Sign up for an account with a reputable rank-tracking tool and carefully follow their instructions to set up your tracking campaign.
  • Select Appropriate Target Keywords: Identify the keywords that are relevant to your business and align them with the search queries of your target audience. These keywords should reflect what users are likely to search for when seeking products, services, or information related to your website. You can also use a keyword generator tool.
  • Configure Your Tracking Campaign: Enter your chosen keywords into the rank-tracking tool of your choice. Specify your desired location, language, and other relevant settings to ensure accurate tracking. The tool will then monitor the rankings of your selected keywords on search engine result pages (SERPs).
  • Monitor Changes and Trends: Regularly check the rank tracking tool to stay informed about any fluctuations or changes in your keyword rankings. Analyse the data provided and look for patterns or trends that could impact your website’s visibility and performance. This information will help you make informed decisions and adjust your SEO strategies accordingly.
  • Track Competitors: Keep a close watch on the rankings of your competitors. Utilise the rank tracking tool to compare your performance with theirs. This insight will provide valuable information about your industry landscape, allowing you to identify opportunities or areas for improvement.
  • Analyse Additional Performance Metrics: Alongside keyword rankings, it is crucial to analyse other performance metrics, including organic traffic, click-through rates (CTRs), and conversion rates. These metrics offer a more comprehensive view of your website’s performance and help assess the overall impact of your SEO efforts.
  • Base Decisions on Data: Use the insights gathered from tracking your rankings and analysing performance metrics to make informed decisions. Optimise your website based on data-driven strategies, such as adjusting your content, on-page optimisation techniques and link-building strategies.

These actions will enhance your rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Learn How to Improve Your Sitewide SEO and Optimise Your Website for Search Engines.

  • Perform a Website Audit: Begin by conducting a comprehensive audit of your website to identify technical issues, performance concerns, or areas for improvement. This includes checking for broken links, duplicate content, slow page load times, and mobile-friendliness

    Tip: Utilise tools like Google Search Console or other website auditing tools to identify and address these issues.

  • Conduct Keyword Research and Optimisation: Engage in keyword research to identify relevant keywords for your website and make a list of keywords. Optimise your website’s content, including page titles, meta descriptions, headings, and body content, by naturally incorporating these keywords.

    Tip: Avoid excessive keyword usage and ensure that the content flows smoothly and provides value to your users.

  • Create High-Quality Content: Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content throughout your website. Ensure that your content is unique, relevant, and valuable to your target audience. Utilise a mix of text, images, videos, and other media formats to make your content more captivating and shareable.

    Tip: Regularly update your content to keep it fresh and current.

  • Enhance Website Navigation: Improve your website’s navigation structure to make it user-friendly and search engine-friendly.

    Tip: Employ clear and descriptive navigation menu breadcrumbs and internal linking to assist users and search engines in understanding the structure and hierarchy of your website.

  • Optimise URL Structure: Create clean and descriptive URLs for your website’s pages. Incorporate relevant keywords in your URLs to provide users and search engines with an understanding of the page’s content.

    Tip: Use hyphens to separate words and keep the URLs concise and meaningful.

  • Mobile Optimisation: Given the increasing use of mobile devices, optimising your website for mobile users is crucial.

    Tip: Test your website’s mobile-friendliness using keyword research tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

  • Improve Website Speed: Page load speed significantly impacts user experience and search engine rankings. Optimise your website’s performance by reducing file sizes, enabling browser caching, compressing images and utilising a content delivery network (CDN).

    Tip: Regularly monitor your website’s speed using tools to take necessary steps to improve it.

  • Build High-Quality Backlinks: Earn high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry. Backlinks from reputable sources can enhance your website’s credibility and visibility in search engine results.

    Tip: Focus on creating valuable content that naturally attracts backlinks and considers outreach strategies to build relationships and obtain backlinks from relevant websites.

Track key metrics such as:

  • Organic Traffic
  • Bounce Rate
  • Conversion Rates
  • Keyword Rankings


How long should I wait till my website ranks first on Google?

The duration for a website to rank on the first page of Google can vary significantly. One website may publish its content and achieve a high ranking within a day, while others may spend several months improving their content and rankings.

Google regularly updates its algorithms, which can lead to significant changes in rankings. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritise the creation of content that caters to users’ needs and to approach SEO as a long-term strategy. It is also advisable to target a range of relevant keywords to increase the chances of achieving favourable rankings.

For more detailed information on the timeframe required to observe SEO results, we recommend referring to our comprehensive guide.

Is it okay if I pay to advertise my website on the first page of Google?

Google Ads offers various bidding strategies and budgeting options, allowing you to have control over your advertising costs. You can set daily budgets, adjust bids, and monitor performance to optimizes your advertising expenditure and maximize your return on investment (ROI)

Measurable Results: Google Ads provides detailed analytics and reporting, giving you insights into the performance of your ads. You can track metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversions, and ROI, which helps you assess the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

However, it’s important to consider your specific business goals, target audience, and budget before deciding to advertise on the first page of Google. Conducting thorough keyword research, competitor analysis, and evaluating the potential ROI can help you determine if paid advertising aligns with your marketing objectives.

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