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Role of Optimised Image Alt Tags in Boosting Your Business Revenue

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Role of Optimised Image Alt Tags in Boosting Your Business Revenue

Blog / Role of Optimised Image Alt Tags in Boosting Your Business Revenue

Role of Optimised Image Alt Tags in Boosting Your Business Revenue

While it’s no secret that Google’s algorithm considers over 200 ranking factors, there’s one aspect that you might not have fully explored – optimizing your image alt tags.

So, why is image optimisation so crucial and how does it impact Google’s algorithm?

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To shed light on this matter, our team delved into the subject and discovered that implementing appropriate image alt-tag optimization can significantly enhance the chances of your products ranking higher in popular product listings.

Are you eager to improve your visibility on Google? The good news is that making a few adjustments to your current image process can make a significant difference.

Considering the potential benefits in terms of increased traffic, leads and ultimately, revenue, these adjustments come at a relatively small price.

Allow us to share our findings and demonstrate how they can contribute to improving the rankings of your products.

Learn More: Brushing Up the Basics – What is Alt Text for Images?

Unlocking the Power of Image Alt Tag Optimization

Imagine walking through a museum without any labels next to the artwork. You would be left wondering about the meaning and the artist behind each piece. That’s where image alt tags come in.

Optimising your image alt tags is like providing users with a guided tour. Not only does it enhance the user experience, but search engines also utilize alt tags to help rank your website. You can even leverage alt tags in social media platforms.

Points To Note:

  • Provide a clear description of the image
  • Incorporate relevant keywords can be beneficial for SEO purposes
  • Strike the right balance between specificity, contextual information and keywords.

Did you know that over a quarter of Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) display images? By including target keywords in your alt tags, you can tap into this opportunity and drive traffic from image searches. This is one of the most effective image SEO tips.

So, what is image optimization?

Image optimization is the process of improving and enhancing website images to achieve better performance, user experience and search engine visibility. It involves implementing various techniques and practices to:

  • Reduce image file size
  • Ensure proper formatting and compression
  • Optimise attributes like alt text and metadata

The primary goals of image optimization are to:

  • Enhance website loading speed
  • Minimise bandwidth usage
  • Increase user engagement
  • Improve search engine rankings

By optimising images, you can create a visually appealing and user-friendly website, enhance overall website performance and provide a superior experience for your site visitors.

Image optimization techniques include resizing and scaling images to appropriate dimensions, compressing images to reduce file size and selecting the optimal file format (e.g., JPEG, PNG, or WebP).

Significance of Image Optimization

When it comes to optimising your website, don’t overlook the importance of image optimization. It’s not just about optimizing alt tags; you should also focus on optimising your images themselves.

Image optimization offers a multitude of benefits, with increased visibility on Google and higher traffic being the primary reasons to optimize your photos.

However, several other advantages shouldn’t be overlooked:

  • Enhanced User Experience (UX): Well-optimised image alt tags and images contribute to an improved user experience by ensuring that they display correctly and seamlessly on your website. Large images can be resized to fit the screen properly, preventing them from obstructing other page elements and enhancing navigation.
  • Improved Site Speed: Page speed is crucial for SEO success. Oversized or improperly formatted images can significantly slow down your website, negatively impacting your ranking and making it harder for users to access your content.
  • Enhanced Website Accessibility: Image optimization, including the addition of alt tags, enhances the accessibility of your website. This enables visitors, including those with visual impairments or using assistive technologies, to navigate your site more easily. Web accessibility not only benefits users but also positively influences SEO.

While image optimization may appear to be an additional step in the ongoing quest to boost SEO, it has a significant impact on both ranking and user experience.

By optimising your images, you can improve visibility, increase site speed and ensure a seamless user experience for your website visitors.

How Image Alt Tags Can Help You Ensure Business Success?

We conducted an in-depth analysis to investigate the impact of image alt tag optimization on e-commerce product rankings. Our objective was to understand if brands could improve their product rankings by optimising images on their websites and how their performance compared to competitors.

What We Did?

We thoroughly examined each brand’s website to gain insights into its image optimization strategies. Additionally, we utilised various tools to analyse the top-performing product pages of each brand.

Finally, we compared the image alt tags of the product images with the search engine results page for a specific keyword query that the product ranked for. This analysis helped us determine whether the product image would appear in the popular product listing.

Through this comprehensive approach, we aimed to uncover the correlation between image alt tags for SEO and product rankings, shedding light on the effectiveness of image optimization strategies employed by brands.

How Image Alt Text Can Impact Small Businesses?

Our research focused on understanding how image alt text optimization can benefit smaller businesses and enhance their online presence. While larger brands have established strategies, we wanted to uncover the potential advantages for smaller brands.

Our Work Process:

To conduct the study, we carefully selected several small brands from diverse industries and thoroughly examined their websites and image optimisation practices. Our primary focus was on how they utilised alt text for their product images and the resulting impact on their search engine rankings and user experience.


  • By optimising the alt text for product images, smaller brands can improve their visibility in search engine results and increase their chances of attracting organic traffic.
  • Well-crafted alt text, incorporating relevant keywords and accurately describing the image, can have a positive effect on search engine optimization efforts for smaller brands.
  • Optimised alt text provides essential context for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers to access website content.
  • By ensuring the alt text accurately represents the image, smaller brands can enhance the accessibility of their websites, catering to a broader audience.

Our study demonstrated that smaller brands that invest in image SEO best practices can witness improvements in search engine rankings, increased organic traffic and enhanced user engagement. This technique serves as a cost-effective strategy for smaller brands to compete with larger competitors and establish a strong online presence.

What To Do?

If you are planning to incorporate image SEO best practices into your marketing game, you can level the playing field and gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape. This will help you attract more visitors, boost conversions and foster business growth.

By prioritising image alt text optimization, it will be easier for you to navigate the digital realm and position your brand for long-term prosperity.

Learn More: Understanding Alt Text: Importance for Accessibility and SEO

What Is the Process of Optimizing Image Alt Tags?

To optimize your image alt tags effectively, it’s crucial to strike a balance between being descriptive and concise. Imagine you are guiding someone to find an item without looking, and you need to provide precise instructions.

Instead of saying, “It’s somewhere in the kitchen,” you would say, “It’s in the drawer to the left of the refrigerator, between the scissors and the tape dispenser.” This level of clarity is what you aim for in your alt text—a description that paints a clear picture in the reader’s mind.

  • Word Count: When it comes to length, aim for a concise description of fewer than 125 characters. Assistive technologies can process limited chunks of text, so it’s important to keep it within their capabilities.
  • Keywords: Including relevant keywords in your alt text, just like you would with your meta tags, can boost your SEO efforts. However, it’s crucial to avoid spammy tactics. Be direct and avoid phrases like “image of…” while incorporating the key details mentioned in the image.
  • Be Specific: Strive for specificity and avoid keyword stuffing. For instance, instead of using spammy text like “Luggage duffle bag navy bag duffel bag with luggage sleeve,” opt for a descriptive approach: “Luggage sleeve for a navy duffel bag strapped to a sand-colored suitcase with a raised telescopic handle.” The goal is to provide a natural and informative description that reads seamlessly.

What Not to Do?

Image alt tag optimization allows Google to understand the context of your images. However, keyword stuffing detracts from the user experience and can be identified as spam by search engines. It’s important to focus on providing valuable and relevant descriptions that enhance both SEO and user satisfaction.

By following these image SEO best practices, you can optimize your image alt tags effectively, ensuring a better understanding of your visual content while delivering superior user experience.


In conclusion, the importance of image optimization cannot be understated when it comes to improving website performance, enhancing user experience and boosting search engine visibility. Businesses can unlock a range of benefits by simply employing various image optimization techniques, such as:

  • Resizing
  • Compression
  • Proper Tagging,

Key Benefits of Image Optimization:

  • First and foremost, image optimization significantly improves website loading speed, which is crucial for retaining visitors and achieving higher rankings in search engine results.
  • A faster website not only enhances user satisfaction but also signals search engines that the site provides a seamless browsing experience.
  • Optimised images contribute to an enhanced user experience by ensuring that visuals are displayed correctly, harmonising with the overall design and maintaining website functionality.
  • By efficiently reducing the file size of images without compromising quality, businesses can minimise load times and conserve valuable bandwidth resources.
  • Image optimization positively impacts search engine rankings. Search engines consider factors like alt text and metadata when determining the relevance and quality of webpages.

In summary, image optimization is a critical component of website optimization, offering benefits such as enhanced user experience and better search engine visibility.

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