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Brand Marketing
digital marketing case studies

25 Awesome Digital Marketing Case Studies

Obviously, there is something not quite right when a mere 38% of the 86% of B2B companies say that their content marketing strategy is actually effective. Even more unnerving is the fact that only 21% of those very companies have been able to track a proper ROI. Clearly, in the

by tr_admin | 12 November 2019

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8 seo steps

8 Simple Steps to Kickstart Your SEO Campaign

If you have been constantly thinking about starting your Search Engine Optimization – SEO campaign lately, then it is likely that you have numerous concerns. Your major concern would be “where to start”. Or, you might know where to begin, but are not sure about the steps that follow.

by tr_admin | 12 November 2019

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Web Design and Development
UI Designer

UI Designer – What Do UI Designers Actually Do?

Still unclear about the role of a UI designer? Well, don’t worry, you are not alone. For most of the people, the role of a UI designer still remains totally confusing or unclear. When you Google the phrase “UI designer”, you might find yourself more confused than ever before.

by tr_admin | 11 November 2019

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importance of keyword research

Importance of Keyword Research – Keyword Research for Digital Marketing

In this digital era, users just do not stumble upon your website. Instead, they look out for information, products or services they need. This makes Internet a great channel to reach out to users today, with a whopping 50% penetration from the global audience. To make your business visible to

by tr_admin | 03 October 2019

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PPC Audit-

PPC Audit Demystified – Simple 8-Step Checklist for a Hassle-Free PPC Audit

Want to reap the maximum from your PPC campaigns? Well, then it is important for you to carry out an effective PPC audit. In PPC auditing, the PPC accounts should be audited to identify potential opportunities and get specific recommendations that help you to keep your PPC accounts moving towards

by tr_admin | 03 October 2019

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Brand Marketing
20 lead generation tips

Top 20 Lead Generation Ideas for your Online Success

Every “Lead Generation” is equal to a drop of water in an Ocean. From times unknown, we are aware how our market leads directly impact the sustainability of our Business. “Lead Generation” are nothing but the prospective clients that we earn through Marketing. We, also being a part of the

by tr_admin | 03 October 2019

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Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media Marketing – Basic terms & Tips for Promotion

For those of you who are still thinking what is social media marketing (SMM), we would want to tell you one thing. You are not alone. While social media marketing has picked up phenomenally over the past few years, there are still many marketers who are yet to tap this.

by tr_admin | 03 October 2019

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Web Design and Development
Why Page Speed Is So Important for Google Rankings

Why Page Speed Is So Important for Google Rankings?

Search engine optimization and advancing a site or page’s rank on Google are complex topics, to be sure. More than a few people have been perplexed by the sudden and often inexplicable changes they experience in their SEO metrics. These include sudden drop or rise in their page’s rank, the

by tr_admin | 18 September 2019

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Content Marketing
What is an Infographic

What is an Infographic and How Does it Help With SEO?

Today, 80% of online content utilizes visuals in one form (infographic) or the other to engage a wider audience. What is an Infographic? An infographic does a lot more than educate and inform; it’s a great way for marketers to capture viewer’s interest through intelligent data visualization that eliminates heavy

by tr_admin | 18 September 2019

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Comprehensive Guide on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) – Optimizing Your Conversion Rates for PPC

Want to get more from your existing traffic? Then Conversion Rate optimization (CRO) can be the solution that you are looking for. So, what is conversion rate optimization? Most of the marketing teams today are designed to drive more traffic towards the website. This will then be converted to leads

by tr_admin | 17 September 2019

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